Intruder In The House | Teen Ink

Intruder In The House

May 20, 2016
By Anonymous


The creaking sounds were getting closer and closer then suddenly it turned dead silent.

Is this it? Is this the end of my life? These thoughts went through my head when the
noises suddenly stopped.

“Is he/she gone?”

“I don’t know go check” I said with a quiet nervous voice.

“You think i'm going out there and checking? Are you crazy? I’m not suicidal”.

You might be wondering what situation we are in or how we even got in this situation in the first place, and i’ll explain everything right now.

I was doing the usual routine, and that’s playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 on my PS3. During my session of trying to get a nuke, I suddenly heard the Facebook Messenger sound go off, and I went to see what it was. It was my friend Alfred and he stated that we could have a sleepover in his house because his parents were gone and wouldn't return until that morning.

I messaged back and said that it sounded like a great plan, but I needed to tell my mom first and see if she would say yes. I went downstairs into the living room and saw my mom watching the tv. I sat down next to her on the couch and said, “Mom I wanna have a sleepover over in Alfred’s house, Can I go?”.

“Yes you can go Simon but remember be careful when you're walking alone.”

“Thank you mom your the best,” and with that I prepared my stuff for the sleepover.

Around 7 P.M I walked downstairs and my mom said again, “Be careful honey.”

I told her, “Yes,yes, I know mom you don’t have to say it twice,” with an annoyed voice.

With that I headed toward my destination, Alfred's house. During the walk I noticed that the sun began to set, which made me remind myself that I left my phone on my bed. After a while I made it to his house and let me say his house is magnificent. It's a beautiful two story house that is made out of brick and marble and it also has a huge ass backyard which is at least two acres of just wildlife. The only problem that came with this beautiful house was that it was secluded by the wilderness surrounding it.

I walked up the steps and rang the doorbell.
“Who is it?”

“It’s me Simon. Open the door it’s freezing.”
He opened the door and greeted me with a huge grin backed up with a handshake. We went inside and now I have to explain the house setup because it’s crucial toward the story.

In the first floor there’s the living room which is next to the kitchen. Than a hallway that leads from the living room which has a room in the right and also on the left side, these rooms are his parent’s. Then there’s the upstairs which leads to two rooms, the one in the right is Alfred’s room and the left one is a guest room. Now that i’m done explaining let’s move on with the story.

After getting inside the house we went upstairs to his room so we could play some PS3. In his room there was a TV,a bed,a PS3,and he had baseball posters because he’s a huge fan of the sport. After some hours of playing COD MW2,FIFA15,and other games we heard a faint knock on the door.
“Did you hear that knock?”

“Yes but let’s just ignore it, it might be a prankster ding dong ditching”.

I took his advice and we ignored that faint knock but then knocks keep continuing at a steady pace each second. After 15 minutes of the knocking we were done and we’re going to confront the person when we heard a loud crash. I looked at Alfred who had a worried look and I quickly locked the door. We turned everything off and acted like there was no one in the house. The crash came from below us which mend that the crash came from his parent’s room. We heard deep menacing laughter and drawers opening and closing violently.

I turned toward Alfred who looked like he was s***ting bricks and told him with a nervous whisper “Let’s call 911 where is your phone?”.

”I forgot my phone downstairs in the dinner table” Alfred said with a angry whisper. ”Are you stupid who doesn’t keep their phone in their room, and is there any other way to call for help?”

“No the home phone is also located downstairs which is where the intruder is” Alfred said cursing to himself.
After a while of us whispering and deciding our chances of our survival we heard the footsteps heading toward the upstairs. That is what happened and how we are in this scary ass situation. Now in present time were still s***ting bricks on how it suddenly turned dead silent in a second. Alfred and I thought the intruder was gone but then we heard the scariest thing imaginable..”I know you’re in there come out”. The voice that said this was deep and menacing which made it even more creepy. When we heard it we immediately turned white as ghosts and agreed that this was how we were gonna die.

We still said nothing because he might of been talking to himself but then we suddenly hear the door shuddering. Wood was chipping from the sides and we concluded that he was ramming into the door trying to get us. ”Got anything that we could use to at least fight back before dying?” I told Alfred with a sad/shaky tone in my voice.”
“Well I have two baseball bats under my bed that we could use for our defense” Alfred said this casually under this situation. ”WHAT ARE YOU STUPID WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME BEFORE?” I yelled this out because I was so angry at him. ”I’m sorry but under these peer pressure situations I can’t even think rationally”. I blocked out his s***ty excuse and grabbed the baseball bats under his bed. It was hard getting the baseball bats because the only light source was moonlight barely shining through his window.

We eventually found the baseball bats and prepared for the worst then it actually happened. The door gave in and a figure appeared and stepped inside. This figure was tall at least 6-7 ft tall and he/she was build like a football player all stocky and bulky. We could not see any facial features because they were all dressed in black but the only thing we could see was their glaring eyes that were staring through our souls.

The figure then spoke “Look at what we have here..more profit I see..”. The voice was deep and menacing which confirmed that the figure was a guy. I gripped my baseball bat as hard as I could and looked at Alfred, he was doing the same thing and we knew what we were both thinking. Our plan was to charge at him with our baseball bats and hope for the best.
We lunged at the guy but in a quick second he backhand slapped Alfred so hard he went flying which made him hit the floor with his head and he went unconscious. “Alfred!!” I rushed to his side to see if he was ok but he was out cold. In a rage I lunged at him but the guy quickly punched me and I slowly saw the room becoming dark. I woke up and saw that we were still in his room which was surprising, then I looked down and saw that my hands and feet were tied with rope.

Alfred was next to me and he was in the same state as me but he was still out cold from the impact. I heard rustling downstairs and I inferred that the guy was still looking throughout the house for more valuables. After some minutes Alfred finally woke up and had a panicked expression in his face. He softly said “Let’s try and see if we can untie ourselves from these ropes”. I nodded then we quickly tried the plan and after a while we eventually untied ourselves.

“Be quiet Alfred he’s still down there”.

”Yes I know Simon but how are we gonna get out of this alive?”

”We can jump out the window”.

We then start talking about our chances when we suddenly heard footsteps going into the parents room. “This is our chance Alfred let’s make a run for it”. He looked at me and we quickly rushed down the stairs when we heard the door opening. It sounded like a stampede was rushing toward us and I quickly saw Alfred getting tackled to the ground into a chokehold. I quickly grabbed the lamp from the stand and smashed it against him.

This did nothing but avert his attention from Alfred towards me and I got sent flying. “GAH, I CA..NT BRE..ATH” after he barely managed to say this his body went limp and he wasn’t moving. The man laughed and said with a cold menacing voice “Kid watch your friend die in front of your own eyes”. He was right I saw him turning blue and the only thing that went through my mind was saving Alfred. In a rage I ran to the kitchen grabbed a knife and screamed bloody murder when the knife went through his chest.

Time slowed down and I heard a loud piercing scream echoing across the whole house. I held the knife shakily and saw blood slowly oozing and dripping across the floor. The man quickly turned around and punched me so hard on the nose that I went flying and started bleeding. “YOU KID,” he yelled this out and quickly reached into his pocket and brought out a knife. We were just staring at each other anticipating the opponent’s next move when he suddenly lunged at me.

I quickly tried to dodge and weeb but he was to fast and tackled me to the ground. He stood on top of me and slowly stabbed me in my arm and I let out a loud piercing scream. “I’m going to enjoy slowly torturing you to death” he then laughed and stabbed me again. Blood was gushing everywhere and I quickly had to something or me and Alfred were both dead meat.  He slowly raised the knife aimed at my heart and in a quick motion he striked but suddenly he became like a rag doll and fell on top of me.

I was in disbelief when this happened but I quickly came out of my shock and pushed him away from me. I rushed to any phone and called 911 when I got my hands on one. The conversation I had with the operator went like this.

“Hello this is the 911 operator, what is your emergency?”

“The emergency is that an intruder got into the house and attacked us”
“Is anyone hurt?”

“Yes, my best friend got hurt and he’s unconscious, the intruder is on the floor bleeding out, and i’m bleeding out from my arm”

“Emergency is on the way and please stay put in one area, also is there anyway to cover the bleeding?”
We then started having a conversation until the police and paramedics showed up. They quickly got all of us into separate ambulances and our destination was the hospital. After they informed our families on our “little” incident they came rushing into our rooms and started bombarding us with questions. Alfred wasn’t in that bad of shape so he got released 2 weeks later and he went to trial with the intruder which was around 2 months after the incident. The intruder’s name was Pablo and they were deciding his fate. Alfred was pretty good evidence on his crimes and he was sentenced to 40 years in prison for “attempted murder and breaking into a house” .

I finally got released from the hospital and started my normal daily life again.  I’m also glad that Pablo got sent to prison for his crimes and that he’s slowly rotting away in jail. The only difference in my life is that my parents wont allow me to sleepover at his house even if parents are present during the sleepover. The reason for not letting me stay at his house is that the key for the frontdoor went mysteriously missing during the break in and was never recovered.

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