I was Here First | Teen Ink

I was Here First

May 25, 2016
By Simone_Means BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
Simone_Means BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a rainy dark day. I had just written my name, Simone Tirus across my homework. Suddenly all I could hear was my dog Ruffles barking. “Woof, woof, woof”. I panicked thinking that there was an intruder. As I went to open my bedroom door, the door flew open, and I flew back. In an instant my view was blocked by a tall, ghostly pale woman, with black hair growling in my face. Her eyes continued to grow darker and darker every second. Out of nowhere, I was thrown through my door. Regaining my senses, in a flash, the woman was in front of me screaming, “GET OUT NOW.” Quickly I ran down the stairs, only to open the door, and have a gun pointed at my head. “Oh, my, gosh, there’s a demon in my house, and I’m going to die,” that was the only thing going through my head, as I slowly dropped losing consciousness.

“Ugh,” I groaned as I regained consciousness.
Gently moving my head, and opening my eyes, just to see the unending, beige, snake like rope; tied to my chair, with nowhere to go. As I looked to my left I saw a strange man holding a gun. He was tall, wearing all red with a Miami Heat snapback. He was sitting on the couch as if nothing had happened. When I looked in the kitchen, there laid a small, thick brown patch on the ground, Ruffles. A tear fell down my face, but one tear quickly turned into sobs.

“SHUT UP! “Yelled the man while I sobbed.
“Please, please just let me go,” I cried.
I cried even harder after he smacked me in the face. He just walked out of the room, leaving me alone.

In the midst of all of my crying, I could hear a light, muffled, growling behind me. I couldn’t look back, but it hit me like a truck, that demon was still in my house. Pulling and tugging at the rope, but it just wouldn’t untie. Then all the noise ceased. A woman walked down the stairs and walked straight towards me. She had maroon hair and wore all black.
  “What’s your name?” she asked.
“Simone Tirus. What do you want? Who are you?” I asked.
“I’m Jaela, as far as what we want, that’s for us to know and you to figure out. Now, where do your parents keep their money?” she said.
“This is about my parents, really?” I said.
“Yes, it really is, so where do they keep their money?” she replied again.
“I don’t know,” I said.
“Yes you do know, don’t make me ask again,” she replied.
“I don’t know, all I know is that there is a demon in this house,” I replied.
Then she walked away and left me in tears. I cried so much that eventually I fell asleep.
My head jerked up, but all I could feel were the wet water droplets dripping from my body. Standing directly in front of me, with two big blue buckets, were Jaela and the man.

       “Please, just let me go, I promise I won’t tell. We need to get out of this house,” I begged.
       “NO, why do we need to get out of this house?” she asked
       “The house is haunted, there is a demon in this house,” I said.
       “She really thinks we’re that stupid Mark!” she exclaimed.
       “Who is the stupid one now? Huh?” said Jaela.
         She had hit me so hard that all I could see were stars, as my head swung side to side. Once I finally regained my vision, out of the corner of my eye, I could see the demon lady. She was right behind Jaela and Mark, but right next to my leg. I wanted to scream, shout to get their attention, but I couldn’t, they gagged me, with more of the never-ending rope. My body started to move side to side, trying to make as much noise as possible. All you could hear were Jaela and Marks voices, and the slight scratching noise that the rope made against the hard wooden chair. Then Mark turned around, and the lady disappeared. Thinking that I was trying to escape, Mark punched me in the gut.
“Now you have two more chances to tell where the money is kept,” Jaela stated while pulling out an automatic AK-47.
    “Ahhh,” I yelled.
She had stalked over and yanked my hair, pulling my head up. She held the gun under my chin and said,
  “I ain’t playin with you lil girl, where do they keep the money?”
         Before I could respond she pulled my head back further, and pushed the gun further into my skin. Looking to my left, I could see in our picture style window, that deathly pale woman, sitting, and watching me.
    “We need to leave,” I said shakily.
    “That is NOT what I asked!” Jaela angrily yelled.
She pushed the gun so far up my chin that I could barely talk.
    “OK, OK,” I said shaking.
    “Well…,” Mark replied.
    “They keep their money in the bank,” I said
         Before they could react, the power went out and the room went pitch black. Then the power came back on, except the light was so bright that it was blinding; only for the power to go out, once again. Jaela had moved the gun away from my head, pointing it in different directions.
     “Who is doing that?” Jaela mumbled.
         Then at the end of the hallway, the laundry room door creaked open slowly, but there was no one, just an empty entryway. Jaela and Mark both had their guns pointed at the door. The power went off again, except it started flashing like a camera flash going off over, and over again. Right before my eyes, I could see the demon running through the doorway and towards Jaela, Mark, and myself.
     “BRRRR, BRRRR!”
         It was all that you could hear, as bullets flew from Jaela and Marks guns. The woman ran around the dining room table and jumped onto the couch, still running, yet to be shot. Whatever direction she ran, Jaela and Mark shot. The woman ran into a circle, up until she ended up right behind me. Jaela and Mark stood in front of me poised to shoot. The demon stood behind me, growling, holding on to the back of my chair. I could feel the heat of her breath on the back of my neck. One movement from her and we would both get shot.
         As if it all happened in slow motion, Mark pulled the trigger, attempting to hit the demon. But his aim was off by a landslide.
         “Ahhh!” I screamed.
         The bullet had hit me. I was shot all over my torso. I screamed in agony as my chair tipped back from the force of the bullets.
         “Stupid, we needed her!” yelled Jaela
         “I wasn’t aiming for her; I was aiming for that woman. The girl was right this whole time. Sorry!” said Mark.
         “You better hope she isn’t dead or you die today,” replied Jaela in a deathly, scary voice.
         There they bickered, while I lay in my own pool of blood, bleeding out. My back covered in the thick, dark, clotting, sticky substance. Yet, there I helplessly lay, rotting away, coughing up blood; the blood slowly running down the side of my face and into my hair.
         Though, as they bickered, they didn’t realize that the woman had left. To my left, she sat crouched down in front of the couch, steadily moving closer to Mark and Jaela.
         “Help, help, help me!” Mark screamed.
         The woman had jumped and latched on to Marks back. Her teeth sunk into his skin as she bit him. The whole time Mark screamed, the demon bit chunk, after chunk from Mark's neck. Until, he finally collapsed, with blood gushing from his neck.
         Jaela had moved to my right, frozen, as she watched Mark die. Her knees had given out, and she collapsed to the floor, kneeling, holding in all of her unshed tears. My vision had started to fail, blur from blood loss, but I could still see the demon straddle Jaela. She ripped Jaela’s shirt, then took her nails and carved a unique design in Jaela’s chest. Not a word was uttered from Jaela, just the silent tears running down her cheeks. The woman forced Jaela’s mouth open, and then projectile vomited black goop into her mouth.
         The woman raised up and stalked towards me, but before she could reach me, my vision gave out. Just like a slideshow, pictures of my parents, my friends, Ruffles, my favorite memories, flashed by. In a hazy, blurry sight, I could see the demon standing above me, with her hand out over my chest. My heart beat slowing down.
         “Ahhh, UGH,” I quickly sat up, my eyes bucked open as I panted. My heart was going a mile a minute. I sat there, in the dark, touching my chest, looking for bullet hole wounds and blood.
         “Oh my, gosh, it was just a nightmare,” I thought to myself.
         When I looked around I realized that I was still sitting in my chair, at my desk. Ruffles was asleep, on the floor, in the middle of my room. I thought to myself,
“Mom must have turned off my lights.”

The author's comments:

This story is about an innocent girl named Simone Tirus. Only trying to do her homework when her home was invaded.

I was inspired by my own home to write this story and also because I wanted to make a different type of horror story instead of having the same one that everyone reads or watches.

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