"He's Waiting" | Teen Ink

"He's Waiting"

October 17, 2016
By rayvenciara BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
rayvenciara BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


                                        He's Waiting


I was an ordinary man well paying job, a few close friends that usually came over for Friday night football and beer. I lived alone in a simple but nice condo. I was only 25 so I figured the girlfriend stage would come later. Everyone always told me how simple my life was. They told me I would never really do anything spectacular. That my life lacks passion. I wasn't ever really a devout Christian. I still attended church when I wasn't busy. But with a life as ordinary as mines, when am I really busy. So of course over the years I tried to be a little more spontaneous. Tried to take more risks than yesterday. Nothing ever really made sense. My days lacked meaning. All of my friends had girlfriends or were married, and of course I longed for a meaningless relationship just so it looked as though I was actually living. Me and my family don't really speak. Ever since my mother passed it's been different between us. She was the glue that held our family together. I'd give anything to see her again. The day of the accident seemed brighter than what I'm used to. I found one hundred dollars outside. The roads were clear. My co-workers were full of energy, that was unusual. Everything seemed more meaningful than yesterday. The sky was more blue, and the people smiled brighter. I took the same road home, crossing the same barren rail road, and tree fields that seemed to go on forever. The weather report predicted thunderstorms but it was sunny outside. It was like for a split second everything was moving in slow motion. You know how you have a gut feeling before something traumatic happens, that this may be your last day on earth yeah that's how I felt. The last thing I saw before I was being rushed into the emergency room by paramedics was two bright lights. It was like I was conscious but not. I saw my body from the ceiling, doctors sticking me with things and digging around in my chest cavity it felt like a dream. The world around me vanished and suddenly I was gone from reality. A young beautiful lady appeared, she resembled my mother so much. My mother was 60 when she died, way too young right?  The younger looking version of my mother said something to me. The words were muffled and I couldn't quite make out what she was trying to say to me. Before she was called away I saw a bright tall figure out in the distance. It was so alluring, it felt like I knew it. The figure and the strange young lady walked off into oblivion. The strange white reality slowly became less real, and I was back in the hospital. That’s where I would much rather be than in a beautiful safe haven with my mother of course. The doctors informed me after surgery I muttered something. They told me they didn't know what it meant. They all looked concerned; the face people make when someone passes out and you're waiting for them to return to consciousness. Except I didn't pass out. I was an ordinary guy that just got out of surgery. Reluctantly I asked them what I said, having no recollection of anything. The doctors told me that I said “my child, he's waiting”.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece for a assignment in my creative writing class we were supposed to create our own micro fiction. My inspiration came from a show I love called Greys anatomy and another show that I don't remember the name of. I just hoped that people would be Intrigued and wanting more by the end. I've found that I actually enjoy writing and sharing my work.

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