The Mystery of the Lost Sister | Teen Ink

The Mystery of the Lost Sister

October 25, 2016
By Mariangela BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
Mariangela BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Gosh, today is the day, my first day of high school and I really want to get in the cross-country team, I was thinking, while eating bacon and eggs with juice for breakfast.
“Wyatt. The bus is here!" shouted mom from the living room.
"See you mom.” I said while walking through the living room and out the door.
  "Love you.” mom replied.
I saw the bus in the bus stop and ran to it. When I entered the bus I saw the bus driver was a tall woman with blonde hair and was wearing high hill boots with leggings    and a t-shirt, her name was Holly.
“Good morning”, said Holly.
“She’s nice”, I thought and answered. "Good morning to you too”.
Then I started looking around for my best friend and saw her sitting in the back of the bus and I went and sat with her. Her name was Laura. She’s the coolest and the nicest girl I have ever met. She has red hair and blue eyes and was wearing a bright blue dress and a pair of black boots.
When we got to the high school I had all my first five classes and then during the sixth class they called me to the office because my mom had called the school to tell me, ”your sister is missing! Did she tell you where she was going after school?"
“No,"I answered, because I hadn't heard from my sister today. I told mom to come and get me so I could help her search for Callie. When I got home mom had fainted so I had to call the police myself.
I called and said “My sister Callie is missing. She is a twelve year old girl with blonde hair and bright green eyes. She’s 5 foot 6 inches tall and was wearing a yellow shirt and gray jeans with dark blue shoes." I talked to the policeman while I was helping my mom who woke up after fainting. She was really nervous about my sister Callie being missing.
"What did the police say?" mom asked.
"They said they cannot help us unless she had been missing forty-eight or more hours.” After they said that to me, I decided to solve the mystery by myself because they wouldn't help us find my sister Callie. I first started searching at home in her room and I found a clue she left on her bed, her school book bag. That meant that she had been home after school. Next to the bed there was a gift card from the Boat Rental, so that was a clue the apparent kidnapper had left in my sister’s room where he or she had taken my sister from.
I ran to the Boat Rental next at the Boat House because it wasn't that far away, I didn't want my mom to drive me there because she was nervous so I didn't want her to get more worried and faint again. When I got to the Boat Rental I asked the cashier if she knew to who did that card belong to and what did he or she buy with it. She was nice enough to tell me it belonged to Mr. Joseph Squish and that he bought a rope and duct tape.
I was thinking that he could have used those items for kidnapping my sister. Then, in a hurry, I started asking people around with a picture of my sister Callie, if they had seen her nearby. I asked eleven people and they hadn't seen her except for the last person I asked. She had seen her going into the Boat House next to the Boat Rental. I went inside the Boat House looking for Callie and found traces of her hair on the floor. I followed the traces all the way to a small dingy boat on the pier that was tied with a short rope. The dingy was covered with a blue tarp and had traces of the duct tape and rope that Mr. Squish apparently had bought for kidnaping my sister Callie.
I ran to the small boat and quickly pulled the tarp from it just to find myself in front of the most unexpected of scenes. There was Callie sitting under the tarp on the dingy boat with a beautiful couple of Britney Spaniel puppies cuddled inside a carton box put together with the duct tape and rope that Mr. Squish had bought to help my sister Callie prepare a place for the puppies that he had found on his boat when he was getting ready to ride his boat to go out to sea on a fishing trip this morning.
Mr. Squish had found Callie on her way back from school and told her the story about the puppies he found on his boat and that he did not know what to do with them, so Callie offered to take care of them and help Mr. Squish build a temporary place for the puppies in his boat if he went a bought the rope and duct tape. 
In the end, I had gotten it all wrong and made a big issue about the situation without having all the details. Callie had not been lost, she had been helping good Mr. Squish help out save these beautiful puppies in order to keep him company on his fishing trips. So Mr. Squish was no kidnapper, and Callie was not lost, she was just being caring and helpful.
“And that was the mystery of my lost sister” I told my English teacher.   

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