Mine Forever? | Teen Ink

Mine Forever?

March 11, 2018
By Anonymous

The pungent aroma of whiskey overpowered the sweet memory of the sensual fragrance my lover used to carry. The darkness enveloped the room making me appear as a dark shadow; much like my black soul. The sun filtered in through the small partitions of the window that of which the blinds failed to cover, casting bright light on the piles of empty bottles littering the room. My tall frame leans against the arabesque panel and the shattered glass that used to be my mirror, a mere consequence of my drunken rage. The phantasm of the love that we had, driving me mad; is to be blamed for my manifesting pain.
I finally conjured in my mind to take back what was mine, my deerest, the love of my life, Kate Thompson… or now Mrs. Kate Mckinney. In my drunken stupor I arise to leave my New York penthouse and begin my day. I know not what this day will bring but it won’t be pleasant. The valet brings me my Rolls and I head to the one place that keeps my sanity, my law firm.
Throughout the whole day, throughout the countless hours of meetings and papers I cannot escape the bittersweet notion of disassembling the man my dearest Kate calls her husband, and those god-awful offsprings of theirs. But my sweet Kate; oh I’d never make her suffer harsh pain… oh no, I have another wonderful plan for her. The clock strikes a quarter past seven pm and I know it is time to do what I have wanted for so long. The others upstairs have spoken to me of their disapprobation for my prospective actions, however the rest of the me, the demons in my head want nothing else. I knew the time had come. I call for the jet to be prepared, it was time to get back what was once mine.
I grab my briefcase and head off the plane ready for the task at hand. My driver takes me to the country coast to a large house in the Malibu hills, the house afforded with my money, the money taken from me the day I lost what meant most to me. The night is late, the air stale, the streets stagnant, and the wind howling.
We pulled up to the wrought iron gates that were keeping my love captive with that man and those abominable children. The dull brick path leading to the spotless great white french doors of the massive house. Those doors will soon be stained red I mused as I slowly crept out of the car laden with my briefcase.
Making my way towards the gate devising a plan in my head as to how I will fulfill my mission to exterminate the man and anything connected to him and take back my sweet Katy. That woman is mine, she has always been mine and will always be mine and no one will stand in my way of that.
The gate was closing the hole in between thick stone walls covered in vines. Using those vines to my advantage, I shimmied up the side of the stone. Sitting on top for a moment I contemplate my actions. My demons reared their ugly heads urging me on telling me that what I was about to do was the right action. That this man, this disgraceful man started the battle by taking my woman, by having the life with her that I was supposed to have, but I, I would win the war tonight. I ignored all conscious good moral thoughts that god and is angels tried to force upon my mind and focused on only myself.
Jumping off the stone I ran towards the window that I knew after months of surveillance and study belonged to the terrible offspring of the man known as my wife's husband. I have never considered it ok to hurt children, as they are the innocent in this evil infested world. But these children, these came from the devil himself in my eyes, so they would have to be terminated.
Huddling under the window I am a shadow in the night, resembling that only of an invisible phantom. The click of the locks on my briefcase rings out across the night air, digging around I pull out a thin piece of metal. Wedging it into the window sill I rock it back and forth until I hear a click and know that the window is open. Slowly pulling it up I slip into the room swiftly and quietly much like a ghost.
Upon entering the room my eyes scan the contents. The walls were filled from ceiling to floor with athletes pictures, due to the twin boys obsession with sports. My eyes fall to the boys, Tyler and Myles, sleeping soundly in their beds. Even up to this point I had no idea how I was going to get rid of them. Originally I had wanted to dismember them and feed them to their father, but as mentioned I never believed that children should ever be severely punished so I decided against that. I wanted to spare them but they are still the offspring of that atrocious man so I must get rid of them. I however did understand that they deserved a far more gentler fate, I was simply going to slit their throats. Deep enough that they would feel no pain while I would still get to revel in the first sight of blood. Making my way to the first bed, Tyler’s, I pull a long serrated blade from my briefcase. Putting my hand as softly as I could over his mouth I lower the blade to his neck. Pressing down as hard and as fast as I could heard a loud wet crunch and saw his eyes open in confusion before glazing over as the blood bubbled and spurted out of his neck all over my face, opening my mouth I catch some of the blood tasting the beginning of my sweet revenge.
Moving just as swiftly towards Myles’ bed before he can wake up I repeat my actions cleaning the blood off of my knife with my mouth after I was through with my business. Scarlet blood adorned the walls of the room like beautiful tapestries. Looking back over the small corpses I began to chuckle maniacally trying to stay as quiet as possible as to not wake my love and her husband up.
Moving out of the boys room I make my way through the mansion towards the master bedroom. While moving through the house I see several family portraits, on each I swiped a blood stained finger over it making the man’s face nothing but a splotch of red upon the beautiful backdrop. Finally reaching the door of the two on the complete other side of the house I contemplate my next actions. Slowly cracking the door open an inch I hear the deep breathing of two individuals indicating that the two occupants of the room were asleep still. Opening the door fully I crept through the room as silent as night towards the man's side of the bed.
I glared chillingly down at his gruesome form. One only wondered how my wife had found him more agreeable for her than me. With his sandy brown hair, pudgy face and short body, it confuses me to no end that she picked him over my godlike form. I gave her everything, a house, money, love, a life. Sure I let my temper get the better of me every once and awhile and maybe grabbed her a little harder than I should have. Had drunken nightmares and hit her sometimes. But that was not my fault, I was sick I knew that, but she should have stayed with me. Because isn’t that what it says in marriage vows that through sickness and health you would stay together. She broke her vows to me but that's ok because I still love her and know that she will come to her senses and come back to me. She just needs a little persuasion, and her persuasion would be the dead forms of her beloved Andrew, Tyler and Myles.
Shaking out of my thoughts and again looking down in disdain I decided once and for all what I was going to do to this excuse of a man. He took my heart when he took my beautiful Katy and now, I would take his. I took out a syringe filled with a serum I knew would knock him out I inserted it into his vein and allowed the contents to stream into his body. I wanted to make sure my wife would be out of the way while I tortured her husband. Getting ropes I tied her hands and feet to the bed frame making sure that she could not move. I did it quietly and lightly so she would not be woken up and bothered with the gruesome sight that was about to bless her bedroom.
Dragging Andrew out of the bed I place him in a chair that I had found in the abandoned kitchen when I was exploring the house. I Punched him in the face until he woke up dazed and confused. I watched and became weak with excitement as I witnessed the exact moment that he realized he was going to die. His eyes rose and widened increasingly in every moment until he reached my face and it finally seemed that if he opened his eyes any further they would pop out of his head. That became an interesting idea to me as well, however I had more important extremities to deal with than his eyes.
Walking around him I traced my knife all over his body instilling as much fear in him as possible. I had gagged him so that his screams of misery would not be heard by my angel. Finally finishing my circle around him I came to a halt in front of his tremulous body. My voice low and steady I said the words that made him understand. “You ruined my life and now I’m going to ruin yours.”With a devilish laugh I pounced on him, I stabbed my knife threw his eye sockets and twisted until blood and was dripping out of the gouged holes. Moving down his body I began to stab a place no man would ever want touched any harder than a gentle caress. I stabbed and slashed and broke every bone in the abominations body until I felt that he had felt enough of the pain that I had experienced because of his foolish actions.
When I decided this I unbound him and laid him on the ground until I hovered above him. Slitting a long line along his chest right above his heart I punched my fist through his breast and felt around until I felt the large pumping of what could only be his heart. Staring into the empty sockets of his eyes, I smiled a smile only a madman could give as I gave one final tug on his heart ripping it out of his body. He gasped and gurgled blood for a short second before he went stiff under my touch. Giving a self satisfied smile, I got off of him while still clutching the heart in hand. Looking at the heart I deliberated for a moment before taking a large bite, tasting what final sweet revenge tasted like.
That's how my wife woke up to me. I looked upon her with the moonlight hitting my blood stained teeth making me look like a reincarnation of the devil from hell himself. It was here that I uttered the most important words that I would ever say to her.
“Darling, I have now taken everything you held dear just like you did when you left me. Now we can either both join them in death and honor our vows of till death do us part, or you can come with me and we can live the life that we were always meant to lead together. You must make the decision now however I am not in a patient mood as you can see from my unfortunate outburst here and in your son's room. So what will it be….?”
She stared at me in bewilderment, confusion clear on her face. I knew she was having an inner battle trying to decide life with me or death with me. She opened her mouth and  readied myself for her answer. She spoke, but I couldn’t hear her, her words were falling upon deaf ears. I screamed and yelled and pleaded but to no avail the only answer to my cries was the dull sound of the electricity coursing through my body coming from the chair I found myself strapped too.

The author's comments:

It was an English assignment where we were supposed to imitate the workof Edgar Allen Poe.

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