The Man Across Street | Teen Ink

The Man Across Street

May 8, 2018
By Anonymous

  Leslie and Lily were both lying down in their beds, while Carter was at work. Leslie and Lily got into an argument earlier about social media. Leslie argued that Lily was putting too much information on social media, and they were both thinking about what they were saying to each other. “There could be someone watching you and you’re just putting all of your business out there for the world to see. You never know who could be paying attention.”, said Leslie. 

While Leslie and Lily  were tossing and turning the whole night, the man across the street entered through the house. He knows where Lily sleeps because he’s been in their house before for special occasions. He went to the basement and peeped through her door. He waited for her to finally go to sleep, and then he made his move. “Oh my god who are you?”, said Lily. The man ignored her and started dragging her along the basement floor, and then he made it up to the front door. He then injected tranquilizer into her neck, and then she passed out. While the man was exiting the house, Leslie was on her way downstairs because she didn’t feel like something was right, so she went to go check on Lily.

Leslie came down the steps and noticed that everything was out of place and that it looked like a lot of commotion went on. “Lily? Are you sleep?”, Leslie asked. She heard no answer, so she quickly ran to Lily’s bedroom where she didn’t see anything but a note on the bed.  When Leslie saw the note, her heart dropped and she called her husband, but the both realized something. If Lily’s car was still outside and she claimed that she “drove” to the Mississippi River, how could her car still be at home. Both parents called the Police and filed a missing person report.

The next morning comes and Lily finally wakes up after being put to sleep. The thing about Lily is that she is smart and doesn’t freak out in these type of situations, so she immediately looked for something sharp to undo the ropes that were tied around her hands. After searching for a minute or so, she found a broken piece of glass by her foot. She grabbed it and started cutting at the rope until she broke herself free. She then ran up the stairs as quickly and quietly and made it to the front door. She struggled with the locks but eventually came out and she noticed that her house was just across the street. She ran to her front door and started banging on it. Her parents rushed to the front door, and sighed with relief. “You don’t know how happy we are to see you!”, said Carter. “We thought that we lost you for good.”  Lily told them what happened and didn’t waste their time to call the police, and five minutes later, the saw the man across the street being arrested.

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