Mystery Sister | Teen Ink

Mystery Sister

May 14, 2018
By Anonymous

Mystery Sister
May was fast approaching which indicated the end of the spring semester and finally time for enjoyment of summer vacation.  Jan had been planning this spectacular summer vacation to the Bahamas for months.  As soon as she completed her last exam, she planned on finishing up packing for her time of rest and relaxation that was so well earned.  Jan had a difficult time the past few months; as her mother had passed away from a heart attack.  She had originally planned the trip to the Bahamas with her mother and she was going to cancel the trip, but her father insisted that she still go on the trip and take a friend instead.  Jan’s father was worried about her because she was normally outgoing and positive but these last few months had taken a toll on Jan’s emotional health.  He wanted Jan to go to the Bahamas and be rejuvenated when she returned because he knew a secret would soon be revealed.  Jan’s parents had planned on telling Jan about a difficult dilemma they had encountered when they were young but then Jan’s mom got sick and her father didn’t want to upset her any more.
Jan and her friend arrive at the airport and get in line to check in and board the plane.  She accidentally bumped into an irate lady who was arguing with the customer service representative.  They made eye contact and Jan felt uncomfortable and was worried there would be an altercation.  Then a weird feeling came over her like she had met this woman before.  During the flight, the plane hit some turbulence, the food was mediocre, and the lady was sitting in the seat across the aisle from Jan. 
When Jan and her friend got to their room at the hotel in the Bahamas and started to unpack, she realized that the luggage was not hers.  She noticed dark colored clothes that would be way too big for her.  Ugh, thought Jan, as she wondered if she would have to wait until tomorrow to get her own luggage.  She was so upset as she hoped she would be able to wear her cute, colorful, new bikinis on the beach and relax.  This was a not a good start to her vacation.  She thought that maybe she should just terminate the vacation and head back home to be with her father. Jan’s friend continued to look through the luggage and before Jan could admonish her friend, she had uncovered a birth certificate.  The birth certificate had the name Martha Smith and Jan’s parents’ names were listed on it.  Jan was bewildered and wondered how could this be as she believed to be an only child and what could possibly be the explanation for this. 
Jan frantically brought the luggage back to the airport and prayed that her luggage would be there as well.  As she walked up to the counter, she was deep in thought about what the birth certificate meant.  Jan reached the counter and there was the lady from earlier.  Now, there was sadness in her eyes and Jan felt an immediate emotional connection to the lady. She felt compelled to hug the lady and she did not understand why.  The lady told Jan that she had her luggage and Jan asked how she knew it was hers.  The lady replied, “You are my sister, I would know you anywhere.”  Jan did not know if she should cry or run away.  Everyone in the airport cheered as they embraced.  She was overwhelmed with emotion and excited to finally have a sibling.  They talked for hours in the airport and Jan’s newfound sister told her how she had been given up for adoption when their parents were young, but she had contacted their parents recently.  This turned out to be the best vacation ever as Jan gained a sister for life.

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