Society Is Screwed | Teen Ink

Society Is Screwed

August 8, 2018
By Boholifeandlove BRONZE, Sandpoint, Idaho
Boholifeandlove BRONZE, Sandpoint, Idaho
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"What if our religion was each other?
If our practice was our life?
If prayer was our words?
What if the Temple was the Earth?
If forests were our church?
If holy water—the rivers, lakes and oceans?
What if meditation was our relationships?
If the Teacher was life?
If wisdom was self-knowledge?
If love was the center of our being" -GW

I once knew a girl and,  god, she was beautiful. Her smile was perfect and her hair shown auburn like cinnamon and sunsets. Within ten minutes of talking to her I was comfortable and laughing at jokes with her. I knew immediately we were to become friends. As life always does, a small twist of fate occurred and I was shocked to learn her life was infact not perfect. It was one of pain and struggles that left scars in and on her body. She was one of the first people I met who had a wrist comparable to a barcode scanner. Now every person you meet will give you a different reason for why their bodies are scarred like prisoner of war victims just with the war inside their heads and nowhere else. What I've found to be the closest to unanimous reason people might ever have is 'society'. Society. Why would children be blaming society for what they do to themselves?

Well, I believe it's because society is screwed.

Everyday I go outside there are people running around screaming their opinions at others and telling them they are wrong. Since when did it become a norm for peaceful protests to end in blood and tears? While the current generation of society runs around with signs in their hands screaming at others and themselves, young kids sit holding the hands of a friend and telling them they are too young to want to die at the age of 12. When parents and siblings aren't home because they are going to go voice their opinions, children in their house are feeling as if they have no life to live. TV producers have the gall to advertise shows that acknowledge death as a comfort and give kids suicidal figures they can identify with. And the children know it. They know to blame society because society really is screwed.

If people stopped running around screaming that everyone deserves a voice and joined the small few that are trying to give everyone a chance, we would be better... If people stopped proclaiming that their way is right without learning the other side we all would be happier... If people included everyone instead of judging them we would be smarter.... If as a society we taught all sides instead of marching the streets to protest one we would be smarter still. Most of the time, no one will care what you do in your bedroom or who you do it with until you go around like mindless teenagers flaunting the facts of your private life in everyone else's face. I do not suggest that we hide who we are. I am not saying we should cover up what we find pride in. I am saying that when we scream and shout and when we want to say something... We make sure first. We make sure that our voice won't cover up another. We make sure that us being comfortable isn't taking the comfort from someone else. Because if we take something away from someone else, it is only natural for them to want to do the same to you.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece after spending a half hour replacing bandages on my best friend's arm. She had cut her wrists so deep that the wounds would open every few minutes. It was a sad day in my life but from it I grew angry and with that anger I tried to channel it and be smarter.

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