Peer Pressuring and High School | Teen Ink

Peer Pressuring and High School

August 30, 2018
By Anonymous

When you were little, did you ever want to be an adult so badly, or even act like a teenager? How about when you got older in elementary school, did you just want to go to high school? Every kid has this thought at a younger age. Until you actually get to high school and it’s completely different from what you expected it to be. If or when you start high school, take a look around. Look at other people, and see what they are doing. Most are getting caught with the crowd, getting into the drugs. Or, they’re the kids that actually focus in school and do their work. From my perspective, everyone are followers. The saying “monkey see, monkey do”, is a perfect way to describe most teenagers high school. They all copy eachother because they either think “smoking this makes me cool” or “this music makes me look cool”. why get caught into that mess? why ruin your life when you could be the one heading to college with a academic scholarship. I’ve seen too many people throw their lives away to drugs because they thought it made them look cool. Do NOT let someone you know, or even your bestfriend pressure you into doing whatever drug is “the new fad”. If you’re headed to Highschool or being pressured into things, definitely stay away from those type of people, it will only make your life miserable, get your self in trouble, or even ruin your health. Remember, always say NO to drugs!

The author's comments:

Too many highschoolers are ruining their lives because they feel as if it’s cool to do drugs, makes them feel accepted and apart of something, when in reality it just makes them look dumb.

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