Our Real Problem | Teen Ink

Our Real Problem

December 6, 2018
By Vdkaya SILVER, Tirana, Other
Vdkaya SILVER, Tirana, Other
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Do you remember when you were younger, you got into arguments with friends, or when you couldn’t solve your own problems? Whenever you needed help solving out a problem, an adult would help? Either your parents or your teacher would step in and help you, comforting you and making you feel better. We’ve got the same problem right now- poverty. People are suffering. You might too, unless you step in and become the parent and help others. My goal in this essay is to spread the message that we need to help people who are in real need.

is the consequence of many problems. If we end it, we will have eradicated a lot of the world’s problems. Poverty affects many other problems like hunger, disease, lack of education, and even gender inequality. Imagine thinking everyday about how long you’re going to survive for, killing others to keep yourself alive. This is what the world is facing, yet, doesn’t even know.
Going to school and getting a proper education has many expenses which you have to pay for. People who live in poverty don’t have the luxury to buy new clothes every once in a while, pay for public transport every day, buy school items whenever you need them. According to UNESCO, “The number of boys and girls who are denied access to education is up 1 million from 2016 — to 264 million”.

Although there are many conflicts related with poverty, a lot of people don’t take them seriously. Some people think people who live in poverty choose to do so. Poor people aren’t poor because they don’t work hard, it’s because they aren’t able to because of the inequality around the world. People who live in poverty have little or no access to jobs or work to help them be in better shape. Poverty has many factors to solve, but the more the people help, the more it stops getting worse. Some of these factors are lack of education, the place they live in and how developed it is, and climate change. All these factors have big impacts. Lack of education is a disadvantage because of the limits of jobs you can do.
Some ways we can fight poverty are: Creating new jobs- more jobs means more people who are employed and are earning money, raising the minimum wage, equal education- equal education means people won’t have a disadvantage when getting jobs, access to healthcare- health is very important and people can be healthy and children can grow up healthily and strong. Water sanitation is another way- clean water is very important for survival, lack of clean water can lead to deadly illnesses.

Poverty is really a big problem we have to solve and put on our priorities list. It is a major problem with even greater effects. By the time you’ve finished reading this essay, about 20 children have died from just hunger and problems related to water. Think about how the rest of the effects of poverty can impact you and others just like you.

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