Earlier Lunch? | Teen Ink

Earlier Lunch?

January 18, 2019
By Anonymous

Students at Park View Middle School in last much are annoyed by how late we have our lunch. The last lunch eats at 12:21. Which is really late if the last time you ate was around 6-7 am. A Lot of students don’t eat breakfast in the morning because they don’t have time. Some don’t even have food at home or they have very little to eat in the morning.

Some teachers don't allow you to eat in class. They don’t want you to make a mess and there to be food all over the place. However, what they mostly say is that the food you are eating is a distraction.

However, what the real distraction is being hungry because when you are hungry you lose energy. You lose energy because food gives you energy. Also when you get hungry you lose focus so it’s harder to get your work done.

Research shows that lunch should be 3 to 4 hours after you eat breakfast. Then the latest lunch should be is 11:45 because that is roughly 4 hours from the last time students ate a full meal not a quick snack. That way students can have the energy they need to stay focused in class.

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