Social Media | Teen Ink

Social Media

May 7, 2019
By Naisargi BRONZE, Valsad, Other
Naisargi BRONZE, Valsad, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Do you stick on your cell phone/digital device the whole day? If yes, then this article is especially for you. Did you know that people just change whenever they are on screen! Isn't that amazing!? Well, people appear mean and disrespectful when it comes to replying posts/images on social media. I have seen that mostly the comments for a particular post are mean. For example, if a person is singing or performing in the post, people say that you don't know how to sing and you don't have the singing skills! Scientists say that people misbehave on social media due to an effect which scientists refer to as the online disinhibition effect. The online disinhibition effect includes these thoughts"You can't see me", "You don't know me", "It's just a joke", "It's not my real self" Add these up and you will see that social media is the perfect storm for bullying and bad behavior. Just like with cyberbullying, it's easier to do harm to others when they aren't right in front of you! Some people actually take it pretty hard and feel bad and just give up their inner talent! Have you ever wondered why you don't look like the people on social media? Its because they don't also look like that! They spend hours of preparations behind one single photo! Can you believe that! They put on makeup, get the scene ready and lots of things like that. Do you carry hard copies of photos with you every time? I think your answer is no because nowadays no one carries them! And if you want to share them you can share it with one person only. Either you frame it and keep it or share it with one person. But if you want to share it with millions of people, you upload it on social media. So social media does have an advantage. So here I conclude with my article saying that you should not completely avoid social media, you get loads of information and social media also keeps you connected to the outside world, but be sure not to be a slave of social media!

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this article because social media is one of the major issues of today's society. Nowadays everyone is stuck on their phone on social media so I decided to write this article and I hope you get inspired by reading it. And this is my first article so please give suggestions!

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