Abortion, why its wrong | Teen Ink

Abortion, why its wrong

March 27, 2023
By Mc10089890 BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
Mc10089890 BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The abortion debate has been a contentious issue for decades, with the pro-life movement arguing that abortion is the taking of an innocent life. Supporters of the pro-life position believe that all human life is sacred, and that it should be protected from conception to natural death. This belief has led to various legislative efforts to restrict or even outlaw abortion in many countries around the world. In this article, we will explore the pro-life perspective on abortion and discuss why it is important to consider when making decisions about this sensitive topic. 

First, abortion is the killing of an unborn baby. Supporters of the pro-life position believe that ALL life is equal, and that everyone has a right to life. It is said in the Declaration of Independence that all people are given certain unalienable rights, among these are LIFE, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. By having an abortion, you are taking away that fetuses' right to life. What if that baby would have grown into a person that helped to cure cancer, or an Olympic athlete, or the next Elon Musk? By killing the child you kill its potential to become something great. It’s not only legally wrong, but morally wrong as well. Is it really okay to kill a baby just because you can’t take care of it or don’t want it? There are thousands of families that cannot have children but would love to, and would take care of and support a baby. If you can’t support the baby or don't want it, why not put it up for adoption and give it to someone who would love that child and support it and give it the life it deserves. 

The pro choice loves to argue, what if someone was raped, then they need an abortion, but I would argue that they are now talking about rape and not about abortion, and that if someone is raped and has a child, put it up for adoption. The pro choice side also believes that abortion should be available because it is the woman’s choice what to do with her body, but the baby is its own body, not hers, the mother cannot get in the way of that baby’s unalienable right to life. Also, if you aren’t ready to face the consequences(possible pregnancy), don’t have sex or use birth control devices prior to conception. If you get pregnant, it's on you. 

So what are some ways we can do to stop the need for abortions(if there even is a need for them)? We can focus on better sex education, teaching people about the repercussions of sex and teaching them that if they aren’t ready to have a baby, they shouldn’t have unprotected sex or just not have sex at all. We can also improve upon the foster care system, making more rules, policies, and regulations for people trying to become parents, improving upon background checks and making the process of adoption more available for good parents who want to love and care for a child. 

The author's comments:

I had to write this and submit it for an assignment at school

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