The Ex-Wives | Teen Ink

The Ex-Wives

March 2, 2011
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Favorite Quote:
Yes, I'm the best, and no I ain't positive, I'm definite. -Lil Wayne

Since when did people care enough about the little things to rant on about them for countless moments? Have you ever asked a friend a simple question, and in response you received a 10 minute disarray of rants of their problems, dislikes, and complete bull crap? Today’s society has created a selfish, cocky, and full of itself monster. This monster lives in many people’s attitudes. This monster is like an Ex-Wife.
The Ex-Wives never quit complaining about everything. The Ex-Wives religiously believes that the world revolves around her and everyone’s perspective is the same. No matter how big or small, short or tall. It all comes and most definitely rocks you like a hurricane. It seems that complaining itself irks people, but when you are excessively ranting on for a countless amount of time it really pushes the wrong buttons. Excessive complaining makes the recipient feel the necessity to build a barricade between your rambling nonsense and their sensitive ears.

When attending a usual, but anticipated Sunday Football Match up, some of the “fans” could not keep their anger from boiling up at their team’s disappointing the performance their team was giving. The Ex-Wife had to announce thousands of miscellaneous reasons of how to justify the terrible performance. When the Divorcer personally was pushed over the edge by Ex-Wife, he proclaimed the thousands of reasons his team was to blame. In response she gave, “The referees are giving the game to them. Look at all the penalties they are calling on us and they won’t call one on the opposition”. “That’s because your team is actually committing the penalties, and they aren’t calling any on the opponent because they haven’t committed a penalty”, he quickly boasted. This final comment ended the friendly negotiations between the two for the night.

The attitude that society has deemed appropriate has allowed the Ex-Wives to believe that others want to hear all of their problems and dislikes for an extended period of time when all we were searching for was a friendly salutation.

Complaining is just a useless waste of breath especially when the recipient doesn’t give a blood nickel about the subject. Since when did a colleague, classmate, or random acquaintance care enough about the Ex-Wives pointless rants? If the Ex-Wives really feel a necessity to vent about their so hard and unhappy life, speak with their mother, because she is the only one who speaks the same the same language and who has enough free time to worry about her problems.

The author's comments:
My Honors English Teacher,Mrs. Payne, had us write about one of our pet peeves.

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