Take 5 with Annie:On Friendships and Realationships | Teen Ink

Take 5 with Annie:On Friendships and Realationships

March 26, 2013
By Anonymous

I've noticed, as spring, the time of new beginnings, comes along, many people are beginning new realationships. More and more people I know are breaking away from our group to spend time with their newfound fellows. It occured to me that, as young people, we put more focus on the people we're seeing than our friendships. Anyone who has been in a realationship has most likely been guilty of " friendnesia", as I like to call it. In other words, many of us have seemed to forget our companions when a special someone comes into the picture. What we don't realize when that new realationship hits us us hard is that our friends are the ones who will really be there for us when we break up with this guy, and through everything else. Remember who, in the end, will REALLY on your side.

Til next time,

The author's comments:
This is a article as part of a column I'm trying to write called Take 5 with Annie. Hope you like it!

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