Puppy difficulties | Teen Ink

Puppy difficulties

April 5, 2013
By brandonyoung1998 BRONZE, St Clair Shores, Michigan
brandonyoung1998 BRONZE, St Clair Shores, Michigan
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If you have ever had a dog that you got when he/she was a young puppy, you know EXACTLY what to expect out of this article. My family recently bought a yellow lab puppy that was around six weeks old. We named him "Leo" because his color reminded us of a lion. He was the biggest pup out of the litter. I don't know if you have ever seen a full grow male yellow lab, but they get BIG. I mean, we have had a Doberman before, so I know a thing or too about big dogs. Right now he is about 10 pounds. He is a reckless puppy. He will chew on ANYTHING. He is a handful. He has extremely sharp teeth that will draw blood if he bites you. Potty training for him is VERY difficult because he will go pee outside then come inside like 5 seconds later and pee on the floor. But all in all, you gotta love puppies no matter how annoying they can get, and Leo is no exception. I love him. If you have ever had a puppy, you know how it goes.

The author's comments:
Leo is my 6 week old yellow lab

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