Later Babe Catch You Never | Teen Ink

Later Babe Catch You Never

May 22, 2013
By Anonymous

Divorce is a very controversial topic in our time today. The popularity of divorce has grown so much since our parent’s youth. The divorce rate is over fifty percent in the United States alone. Many people believe that the government should create a reform and make it more difficult for parents to get a legal divorce. I believe that the laws on divorce should stay the same, if not make it easier for parents across our country. It is a huge hassle filling out all the paperwork and it consumes their time and energy. It is quite a project to file for divorce. Through personal experience and the way I feel it affected my parents and me, I believe they should not make it harder on parents to get a divorce. There are many reasons that people need to split up and get away from the mistake of marriage they had.

Domestic violence is a sad thing to come by but happens in a lot of homes. People will over power their spouse in any way that makes them feel good. Its all about control and feeling like you have reign over someone else. There are several forms of domestic violence. It can come in different forms and can even be non violent. Of course there is the obvious, beating in a physical way. Meyer Cathy, a divorce specialist said,” Once you get hit it won’t quit”.
Wich is a valid statement because it will not stop. There are other ways by disrupting your spouse emotionally or sexually, I truly believe that people don’t deserve any of this kind of treatment. They should have the right to get out, and quickly at that. Going through this daily would crush someone’s life and make them tremble and live in fear of someone they thought they knew. Revenge could also come out of this so giving them the option to divorce could actually save a life.

Happiness is something that we all strive for and hope to achieve. Sometimes things don’t work out the way that we had hoped and we need changes. Divorce gives people that second chance to do things over and get it right. Through personal experience I have learned this and seeing my parents grow and learn new and different things. Sure I was sad and depressed at first, but once I realized how happy they are without each other, I knew it was for the better. Helen Rowland said, “When two people decide to get a divorce, it isn’t a sign that they don’t understand one another, but a sign that they have, at last, begun to”. Some people should just be friends and should never have gotten married and end up doing better as friends like my parents.
People may not realize who they have been with or never have seen that side of their spouse because they never actually got to know them. Happiness is the key to life and if you’re not happy with someone you should not be with them. Your life will not be complete, I have learned this from my own parents they both are doing so much better.

People tend to believe that they should stay together for their children. I disagree with this because there are many benefits for the kids when their parents split up. Yes at first it is sad and it hurts but once you realize how much better it is it will benefit you greatly. Studies show that children with divorced parents rather than parents with problems that are together and fight tend to be less angry. This is good because it keeps children from getting into trouble. Seeing parents fight makes them angrier and messed up then when the parents are together. Jane Smiley’s daughter says, “Do you really think I wish we had remained in that suffocating little four person family?”
It really can take a toll on kids to be exposed to that so it’s better to just get out. Also getting the experience of possibly having step brothers and sisters is a good as well. Families that have step parents will deal with issues better because they take it head on unlike the real parents do. Having step siblings helps because they have someone to talk to because they are going through the same thing if its bothering them that much. They can talk to each other and express how they feel to one another. Kids can experience something new and change can sometimes be a good things. Children in divorce situations can benefit greatly from their parents divorcing.

In various situations spouses can have serious problems that require divorce in order to protect you. Trust is one important key to a relationship and once that is broken is on e of the hardest things to get back from someone. Infidelity is a big cause of divorce today. Infidelity is essentially cheating on your partner with someone else. This is a heartbreaking thing that is almost unforgivable. People that break this trust should be ashamed and their spouse should divorce them. Gambling, drug, and alcohol addiction are more problems between married couples. They can kill you financially by gambling away all your money. Paying for drugs and alcohol also takes money and can make them different people. They can be angry and high all the time wich is not ok. People don’t deserve to live with this. They will drag you down with them and suck you into their debts. This money they are spending on this is taking away from the kids and putting the food on the table. This is not ok and should not be put up with. Spouses that are married to people with these problems should be allowed to get a divorce and very easily because they are not only taking from them but their children to.

Overall, I don’t believe they should make a divorce law reform. It would not do our country good and yes, I think it’s not good there are people out there that really need it. They need to get out. There being beaten and cheated on. Spouses are abusing each other and they are bringing each other down with their mistakes. Some people are better as friends and deserve the right to be let out. I have seen people divorce and instantly become happier making them a better person for the world. It even has benefit for the kids and the experiences they earn, and what they have to go through is horrible but they shouldn’t have to see their parents fight. The divorce laws should stay the same or even be made easier.

The author's comments:
its about divorce

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