A Friend | Teen Ink

A Friend

May 24, 2013
By Brooklin BRONZE, Nampa, Idaho
Brooklin BRONZE, Nampa, Idaho
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You only live once, but it you do it right, once is enough" -Mae West

A friend, that’s a pretty self exclamatory statement. Everyone has a different definition. Mine is someone who is there for you. Someone who just doesn’t do one big thing but a million little things. They laugh, they tease, and they listen. They’re the party when you need a smile and the knight when you need to be defended. A friend will never bring you down or hurt you. They are loyal, understanding and they boost you up. They are the shoulder you can cry on, the person who’ll save you a seat so you aren’t sitting by yourself, and the one who you can talk to and they find a way to relate or comfort you. Friends help you better yourself and keep you on track while having fun. A friend is a great supporter. Friendship is a power I’ll always believe in. It is strong, helpful, and encouraging. The bond strengthens over time and experiences which turn into amazing stories for later.

My friends are very loyal to me. When there’s drama they drop everything and come to the rescue. They pick me up when I’m down, usually they’ll be as upset as I am and then they’ll say, “Let’s fight them!” it never gets close to that but it does put a smile on my face. I return the favor when it’s needed. They inspire me to be a fun, outgoing, respectful person. They never let me down. They help me live with standards and values which in the end it makes me a better person and it makes it our circle of friends larger. We are always trying to better ourselves and to make everyday a better day.

I’ve been betrayed by a person who I grew up with who was my friend. I didn’t notice true friendship qualities until I went through this experience. I was a loyal friend but I was more of a back up friend. A tag along. A punching bag. I didn’t have anyone else to go to. I had to search for a real friendship. I was friendless for what felt like forever. I finally met people who really accepted me and picked me up and dusted me off. I am truly grateful for these new real friends. I know they’ll always have my back. And I’ll always be there for them.

I believe in friendship. The real kind. The kind that is serious when needed but fun. The right kind of fun that only gets you in trouble because you’re being too loud. We have inside jokes that if people heard they’d send us to a mental hospital. But hey, it would be worth it. Always laughing but can have great conversations that end up being the most meaningful, inspirational pep talks ever.

I feel strongly about the effect I can have by being a friend. It can save a life or brighten someone’s personality. Making new friends is fun. Remember to keep old friends and new friends close. I love my friends and their influence on me and our memories.

The author's comments:
My English teacher Miss Bunn told the class to pick a topic that we're passionate about. I'm passionate about friendship and the impact it has on my life so I decided to right it. I hope people can recognize true friendship after reading this article.

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