Texting and Driving | Teen Ink

Texting and Driving

May 28, 2013
By britneywilliams BRONZE, Averill Park, New York
britneywilliams BRONZE, Averill Park, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If there comes a day when we can't be together keep me in your heart. Ill stay there forever"
-Winne the Pooh-

Imagine going fifty-five miles per hour, your eyes have been off the road for five seconds. You’ve traveled the the length of a football field, thats just enough time to crash. Texting and driving is really dangerous. Thirty-five percent of teens who text while driving don’t think they will get hurt.

First of all texting while driving is dangerous. A texting driver is twenty-three times more likely to get into a crash, then a non-texting driver. In 2010 texting while driving increased fifty percent in one year. Two out of ten drivers admitted to sending a text message while driving or behind the wheel of a car. in 2011 twenty-three percent of car crashes involved cellphone usage.

Dialing while driving there is a two point eight percent risk, talking and listening while driving one point three percent more of a risk, and reaching for your device is one point four percent more of a risk of getting into a crash. Eighty-two percent of teenagers between the age of sixteen and seventeen, own a cellphone. This is around the age many teens begin to drive.

Also considering a lot of deaths are through texting and driving May horrific deaths, from car crashes have something related to using a cell phone while driving. Even if you're waiting for a light to turn green, and you aren't aware of your surroundings, something may come up, someone may crash into your car. It could hurt more people, beside yourself.. It could hurt someone in the car with you, or even a car you crash into because you were too busy on your phone, with your eyes off the road.

It doesn't take rocket science to know that texting and driving is dangerous. But many people continue to do it. One teenager from Idaho totaled two cars in the matter of a year, from not paying attention to the road with his eyes on his cell phone. Do you want to be him? A simple LOL, OMG, TTYL, or even :) isn’t worth taking the risk of crashing or dying.

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