Tripping Before the Leap of Faith | Teen Ink

Tripping Before the Leap of Faith

May 29, 2013
By Demi Fenicle SILVER, Carmel, Indiana
Demi Fenicle SILVER, Carmel, Indiana
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I have always been interested in the individuality of each person: we are different in our looks, our actions, our faith. We can be identified by the way we think, our interests, or the unique background that molded us. Though everyone is different, somehow, we are all the same; we are alive and we are human. We all share one general purpose; it is up to one’s self whether or not they want to accept this fact. God is said to think of all humans as his creation, born and raised to be the child he wants. He has already named us his own, we just need to name him ours. The First Amendment states that all Americans have the freedom of religion. The chance to explore is there, it’s taking the first step that’s difficult: not just being physically involved, anyone can attend church, throw their hands in the air and cry “Halleluiah!” It’s taking the first step mentally, emotionally, and spiritually that most people find so hard—or at least, I find so hard. I’ve been to church a few times, tried going to some different youth groups, and even had a small group for a while. All of these events took place in a large crowd in a big church, allowing me to hide in the back row and observe without committing. I listened to other people’s point of views and learned some things, but never truly engaged in the discussions. The more I went to these gatherings, the more I became interested in making a relationship with God like they had. I envied their passion for Him but I knew starting on that path with no former knowledge wouldn’t be an easy task and that it would take time, courage, and finally some commitment. I eventually convinced myself I didn’t have any of those things; perhaps I was just scared of what I would find when looking for my faith. I didn’t want to be disappointed by not being able to “feel his presence” or laughed at for starting so late that I honestly couldn’t tell a single story in the Bible all the way through. It was selfish and naïve, but hey, I’m only 15, right? I’ve learned that everyone can be different with their relationship with God; not each person has to have the same methods of relating to Him or the same way of connecting with him. My faith could be my thing; a relationship without the bad breakup. Taking that leap of faith is a huge deal and would open my eyes to new ideas and possibilities; the opportunity is there, I just have to be brave enough to take it. A few months into my religious adventures, my dad told me I should stop acting like I was involved in these churches to look like a good person. Though it kind of hurt my feelings, I didn’t want people to think that was why I went to these events. Acting like you are serious about God when you weren’t was one of the things I called other people out on doing; I never thought I was trying to do so-- I truly am curious. I’m on the brink of taking that leap of faith into knowledge, love, and passion; I just need something to help nudge me off the edge.

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