Summer Fun and Ideas | Teen Ink

Summer Fun and Ideas

May 29, 2013
By Will Vincent BRONZE, Fox Point, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Will Vincent BRONZE, Fox Point, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

School is almost over, and if other kids feel the same way I do about school, they’re very excited. Almost no kid enjoys waking up at around 6:30 or earlier or later and getting ready for school. If anybody does, I don’t know what’s going on in their head. I like to sleep in a bit after a long day or a long night. Kids like to feel free and to most, school feels like a prison. School and an education is very essential for kids, but kids just wanna have fun. School is not exactly the place for kids to have fun. Summer is also fun because you get to see all your friends almost every day. You can hang out with your friends from dawn to dusk. The only bad thing about summer is that it takes awhile to get dark. If you like to do really fun stuff like me, then the late darkness is a problem. Summer is just all around a good time. I have a nice neighborhood to live in when summer rolls around. Everybody lives relatively close and we have beaches and shops nearby us. Every once in awhile, I will camp out at my local park. It’s a nice, relaxing stay and it gives me a lot of time to think about things. Another problem for some kids in summer is that they spend too much money. I usually nag my parents for money, but recently I have been mowing lawns. I make $40 a week and it’s quite an easy job. It also gets my parents off my back about borrowing money. If you actually make money on your own and pay for your own stuff, it shows them that you’re responsible. Your parents will think of you as more of a mature teen and will give you more freedom. Transportation is usually a problem for me and my friends and for most kids in general. I prefer to use my longboard or a penny board. Most kids don’t have one or the other because they’re quite expensive. if you don’t have either and depend on parents for rides, make sure to give a little warning. No parent likes having to pick up their kid past 10:00. I’ve learned that the hard way. Finally, I have some random bits of advice. First, try to balance out friend time and family time. Don’t forget about the people that love you most. Next, don’t gossip or start drama. You’ll most likely see your friends everyday, and gossip travels fast. If you have something to say to somebody, say it to their face. Or just don’t say it at all. Lastly, don’t be on your phones all day, texting, checking Instagram, or whatever. Get outside and get some exercise. I’m a pretty big culprit of this. Try to go to the beach or startup a pickup game of basketball. Or just go for a run every once in awhile. Whatever you decide to do this summer, just make sure to have fun.

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