Retweet, Favorite, Quote. | Teen Ink

Retweet, Favorite, Quote.

December 7, 2013
By lewisron15 BRONZE, Harvey, Louisiana
lewisron15 BRONZE, Harvey, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

People in this world do not spend most of their time on twitter. Even though they wake up every morning to scroll down their twitter time line, seeing what new post they can retweet, favorite, or quote. It’s like a piece of gum stuck to your shoe, that’s hard to get rid of. Tweet your favorite quote about how you can’t wait to turn up, YOLO (you only live once), stop letting the season pass by without making cash, talk about your recent dream you had a night ago on how you wish you had super power. Stare at your notification bar seeking to get a new follower to read or retweet your newest post. Shout out your new follower for liking ten of your recent pictures.

Pause. Think about what you’re doing. Move on with your life. Delete your twitter app. Get rid of all your social networks; twitter, face book, instagram etc… and press the log out button on your laptop. Close the screen. Relax. Just do it like Nike.

How would your day be, if you opened your eyes and the first thing that came to mind was your 425 friends you follow on twitter. You wouldn’t think straight, and be forced to start your day without putting your favorite makeup on, brushing your hair, washing your face, etc.. Without your twitter app, your mind would not guide you into the right direction.

What if twitter stopped refreshing during your lecture class? What would you do? Freak out, distract the class, or just stare at your smart phone or Mac book waiting for it to finally refresh. Could you survive that hour and thirty minutes your professor wastes talking to himself at the front of your class about the boring details on what is going on in today’s society? the government and community complaints about gun control and killings that are happening all over the world? What if cell phones didn’t allow you to have apps, Mac books policy or storage system didn’t allow you to download apps?

You would act ignorant, disrespect your love ones, and call them names. You might even throw things at them. Do not kill yourself over twitter. Twitter is always faithfully a tweet away. Go ahead, like they say “just do it for the vine.” Why not its only right if you do.

It's Wednesday. You're halfway through a busy week of pretending to work but instead you’re on twitter. Part of you says you can't keep tweeting like this while the other part of you says, "Don't listen to that guy. He's ignorant." I wonder how that feels...

In summary with social network the world is chaos. People should think more about their future, falling in love, having little rascals.

How about we run 4 miles instead, jump off a cliff barbeque, play tag in the park, anything but social media. Live life to the fullest instead of being stuck to your computer/ smartphones all day.

I really like the saying YOLO “you only live once” so go have fun, jump out of a plane, bungee jumping, and form bonds with other people, instead of wasting time that you barely have. Your life is just a tick away; it can be gone right before your eyes. But at least your last thought would be capture on twitter.

Self –Evaluation
What I found challenging about my paper was coming up with the right proposal that would fit my inner humorous ways. I found it very hard writing sarcastically because of being so stuck on having to write based on the academic rubric. It is very hard to jump from writing a certain way to writing with humor. Other than writing with humor and trying to fit the academic way of writing at the same time coming up with thoughts to keep the reader’s mind wandering on why this particular thing has people acting in a strange way. What was so rewarding to me was that at the end of my paper I actually wrote it so successfully and didn’t know I was capable of writing a paper like this. It was a great experience to learn new things involved in writing. It was very entertaining to be able to write rhetorically. I didn’t know I had it in me to express my humorous ways in to writing. It takes more then just thoughts to write a successful humor proposal paper. The professional model essay was a great help and guideline to helping me establish a great paper of my own. It showed me ways to elaborate more when explaining my point of view, but at the same time allowed me to give great ideas. This article was very humorous and very explainable with the ideas it was trying go give out to the readers. It also helped me draft my proposal and to have a great idea to elaborate on. Based on my objective the article was different but similar in some point of way because both point of views were trying to establish a way to explain a problem that will or already did have a master affect on the world. It was different because the article I used was talking about a mass shooting while my paper was talking about the affect of social network. The article that I used to write my paper was sensitive but also scary in some ways. It made it very easy to actually write about my topic on social media and the affect it has on us people in the world today.

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