Finishing the New Year and Starting Something New | Teen Ink

Finishing the New Year and Starting Something New

January 20, 2014
By lane kohl BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
lane kohl BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Most New Year’s resolutions are to eat less candy, lose weight, drink less soda, do more volunteer work, or spend less money on useless things. But for most high school students, like Kristen, it is to do better in school.

The new semester is coming quickly, which means students have a fresh start for keeping their grades up.

“I’m looking forward this next year and I really want to do better for next semester,” says Kristen. She said she’s putting in the time and work to make this school year end well.

Something kids can do to improve upon next semester are studying old material and taking notes.

“Writing down what’s on the board and what the teacher says is very helpful for studying for tests and finals,” Kristen says.

Students often wait until the last day to study for finals; however, Kristen suggests spreading out your studying times instead of cramming the night before.

“I hate cramming for tests the night before because it gets really overwhelming and stressful,” Kristen says.

Along with other students, Kristen wants to improve on her studying skills and keeping up on her homework assignments.
“I’m going to keep my grades by finishing all of my homework assignments on time and studying more for tests,” she says.

However, before the new semester begins, students have to take final exams. Exams start on Tuesday, January 21, and end on Thursday, the 23. On Tuesday, at South Campus, the first exams are from 7:20-8:20am for periods 1 or 1-2 A, 8:30-9:30 for periods 2 or 1-2 B, and 9:40-10:40 for periods 3 or 3-4 A. On Wednesdays the times are the same but the periods for each time slot are different. At 7:20-8:20 periods 4 or 3-4 B or 4-5 B take their exams. 8:30-9:30 periods 4-5 A, 5, 6, or 6-7 B take exams, and 9:40-10:40 periods 7 or 7-8 A or 6-7 A take exams. Thursday 1st exams are periods 8 or 7-8 B, 2nd exams are periods 9 or 9-10 A, and 3rd exams are periods 10 or 9-10 B. North Campus’ times are the same but ten minutes later.

Busses leave every day at 11:00.

“It’s been really stressful studying for exams but I feel confident that I can get through it and start the next semester strong,” says Kristen.

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