World Peace | Teen Ink

World Peace

April 27, 2015
By Konradpryor1 BRONZE, Duluth, Minnesota
Konradpryor1 BRONZE, Duluth, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What is world peace? Lets look at a few various religions views on world peace.

The catholics say that “God-given peace that our creator desires for us, is built on justice, where everything and everyone that was created is in a good relationship with each other and can reach their God-given potential.”  Hindus use an ancient phrase “Vasudha eva kutumbakam”, which translates as "The world is one family.". The slavs say that the whole world will be united in peace under the command of Isa (Jesus). Judaism teaches that in the future  a Jewish Messiah will rise up to bring all Jews back to Israel, followed by global peace and prosperity forever.

Every religion and person have their own idea of what world peace and many people have created theories such as Democratic peace theory,Capitalism peace theory, Cobdenism, Mutual assured destruction, United Nations Charter and International law, Globalization, Isolationism, non-interventionism, Self-organized peace, and the Economic norms theory. But all together Peace is defined as a period of harmony between different social groups because of a lack of violence, conflict behaviors, and the freedom from fear of violence. World peace would make everyone happier, help fix economy, lower murder rates, and overall change the attitude people have towards each other. Everyone should think up their own idea of world peace and come up with stuff they can do to help move towards the ultimate goal of world peace

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