Social Media: the New Disease | Teen Ink

Social Media: the New Disease

February 9, 2016
By Vladdd BRONZE, New Prague, Minnesota
Vladdd BRONZE, New Prague, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Writing a letter and the excitement of waiting a week for one in return, standing face to face with someone, having a heart felt conversation, hen friends were real and relationships lasted, it was not something just posted on a screen. These are some of the things we are losing to social media, that is a problem. If I had the ability to do something about it, I would take back the creation of social media. The one thing in this world I wish I could make disappear is social media ever becoming available to us. It is killing verbal along with physical communication, it destroys relationships, and it takes away the ability to know what is real from what is not.

Communication used to be having a conversation with someone in person, or dialing up the phone instead of a message, and if someone was miles away, you would write a letter. What people are not realizing is these assets are important to our lives, social media is killing it right before our eyes, yet we choose to do nothing about it. The impact and the emotion are taken away from conversation. You do not have anyway of knowing what someone really meant when they sent you that message or how they really feel. Over messaging, we hide behind a screen, we can say whatever we want and not have to see the reaction on that person's face. You can say horrible things online, that you would never say to them in person, but now that you are miles away and can still say these things, you don’t have to deal with the consequences. Also, anyone can express their feelings online. What is really coming from the heart is becoming more rare because a lot of it is fake, just said on a keyboard.

Fighting with a boyfriend/girlfriend or a friend over something you said or liked on social media is a very common reason to start trouble with relationships, along with the miscommunication involved, taking something the wrong way, blowing it out of proportion and when what they actually meant was not even close to what was perceived. Social media can really screw with your relationship.For example, getting jealous over something you liked, who you are SnapChatting or IMing. If you are chatting with each other over chat or IM, you can easily take each other the wrong way, starting another fight, using the wrong emoji causing confusion.

You do not have a chance to explain what you meant because you can not see each others facial expressions or hear their tone. This is a way where you can tell how that person feels or what they are really trying to say. Along with social media it can bring out unwanted drama. It can between friends or you may not even know each other. Saying the wrong thing that offends someone can destroy current relations and prevent new ones from occurring. On this side of social media, the cons out weigh the pros. The tension, drama, misunderstanding that it causes is just not worth it. Many problems would fail to exist if it was not for such a creation. Carrying on to one of the biggest issues of social media, knowing what reality is.

Expectations in life become set too high or you feel bad about your life after seeing someone else's. For many it is hard to tell what’s fiction and what is  reality. Just because you see something said online, does not make it right. You do not have to listen to what is said. If some famous person says that you are nothing unless you dress a certain way or if you do not have enough money, can really turn someone's life upside down. It causes you to compare your life to theirs and no good comes from that. Expectations become unrealistic in a personal relationship. You see some “perfect” couple online, or some cute date, and you look at your relationship, suddenly it is not the same.

People start to think they will never be happy unless they have a relationship of that sort. For girls, they see some beefed up guy, thinking that will make them happy, that is what a perfect guy is. For guys, they see some skinny blond in a swimsuit and thinks that what a perfect woman is. They start to forget that being with someone is not  about looking like couples online, it is about how they make you feel when you are  together. Social media just puts this fake cover over our eyes, thinking that is what life should be and that will make them happy.

The abbreviations, the heartbreak, the temptation that social media brings on, just is not worth it. Between the lack of communication, failed relationships, and misunderstanding, are what is slowly killing the bond between each other.  We are so unaware of it but it slowly destroys the society we live in. It a sad realisation. I just wish that I had the power to change what social media is and what it has done. It would just be nice to go back to the way things used to be, where they’re were more passion between one another and your relationships were not based off a website or an app.

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