Letter To The Next President | Teen Ink

Letter To The Next President

May 16, 2016
By Anonymous

Dear future president:

This has been happening and really everyone has tried to fix it and personally, intelligence is just in the mind. I don’t know if people are superior than others and that’s what is causing people to act differently, however, they probably have family from a different place that want to come to america. My question to you is, are you gonna make it better and have people vote on you or worse and p*** people off who just wanted a normal life? If you do this wrong it’s gonna go on the news and people will forever hate you. I’m just a kid but, I am a kid who pays attention to the news and problems with the country. So let me ask another question, are you in for fame or for game? You see people promise these things and usually don’t do it. My problem is deportation. It’s sometimes the people who you deport, family members and this breaks family apart. A kid could cry himself to sleep and a parent can not have enough money to support their family. I have a situation and if anyone that can make a change is you and you must or else nothing is ever gonna change. Make a different type of law.

I know it’s hard for you to talk about but you must listen. Don’t just leave it out and never go back to it. For long you have been hiding out, take it out. As people look for rights you're not giving them those rights. For you give them fear and they don’t want that as you take things away from them, for they fear that you will take them away from those they love.

Here is what i’m suggesting instead of removing a lot of things just make it simple give them rules to follow and as long as they follow them or be a little more strict and see if they can find anything on them if they have done a crime send them away give them some time people who don’t have papers help them if they haven’t done anything and followed your orders it would only be fair and you could have equality. You don’t really have to do that but it’s better and probably cheaper.

What will you do? For now we will be looking at you, to help us fix this problem.


The author's comments:

This is for the next president as I share my concern of what I think is important.

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