Bullying | Teen Ink


May 7, 2012
By AnushLoveee17 GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
AnushLoveee17 GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
16 articles 2 photos 39 comments

Favorite Quote:
sometimes you have to forget whats gone appreciate what still remains and look forward to whats coming next

Do you ever get bullied? Do you ever bully someone? Well, I've been bullied for 8 years. When someone bullies you they do three ways. The first is Physical bullying that's when the bully tries to hurt you, by punching you or any other physical actives . The second one is Verbal bullying that's when the bully threats you or calls you names. The last one is cyber bully bullying that's when the bully threats you over a computer text or any other devices. A couple months ago I watched a movie with my best friend called Cyberbully, touched my heart. This movie was based on a teenage girl who had a facebook and was bully in school and got bullied online . I recommend teenagers to see this movie on YouTube or on abc challenge. Now I want to share some of my experiences from being bullied. It was hard and it still is..... But I never gave up on myself, bullying can be bad but if you don't tell a parent/guardian, teacher or any other adult it well get worse. Many teenagers sometimes try to kill themselves because of how they are treated. I think bullying should stop, I'm still getting bullied and I sometimes want to kill myself as well. I see teenagers hurting them self's, bullying has gone too far. Some teenagers can't even tell an adult because the bully threats them that if they tell someone it will be worse. I think there should be a place with adults who went through it. To help the teens get an idea of what to do when they bullied online or in person. I only know to ignore the bully, but... I tried it does not work .Now here are some suggestions if try to avoid the bully. When the bully try to ask to go with her/him to the park sweetly, and you this person is being nice..... say NO. This because maybe he/she is trying to trick you and then tries to bully you by hurting you with words or physical. Next, avoid the bully in the hallways he/she might stop trying to get your attention if he/she see that you are ignoring them. Finally don't be sacred to tell an adult even if they threat you that they will hurt you an adult always knows what to do. I hope teenager like me who get bullied can get help from adults. Sometimes teenagers either skip school or they don't come at all because they are being bullied and want to stay home. However, there is a lesson that not everyone in life will like you but...... I still don't think that gives anyone permission to bully you or anyone. I hope this will end and I wish bullies will learn their mistakes. A friend of mine once told me "what come around goes around" this means that whatever goes around '' bulling'' will come back to those who are doing it "bullies". I hope this had help you.

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This article has 3 comments.

on Nov. 26 2013 at 7:16 pm
book.junkie GOLD, Kingston, Other
18 articles 1 photo 48 comments
I like it becasue its opinionated and its alos good that ur ideas wonder making it seem like a mental dialogue... (please do watch out for grammer errors and not paragraphing though)

EpicOwl GOLD said...
on Feb. 5 2013 at 7:35 am
EpicOwl GOLD, Macedon, Other
10 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
Nothing can come of nothing ~ Shakespeare

I too have been bullied and can relate but this needs more "umph"! Maybe write with paragraphs to separate ideas but other then that, it's good.

Ailsa GOLD said...
on Jan. 10 2013 at 6:18 pm
Ailsa GOLD, Marietta, Georgia
12 articles 0 photos 16 comments

Favorite Quote:
"when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth" - Arthur Conan Doyle

this article was nice but i think it was more of raw emotion. you had good points but maybe the way you wrote them was a little jumbled. I can relate to being bullied.