When Bullying Turns Deadly | Teen Ink

When Bullying Turns Deadly

February 3, 2013
By Liz7272G SILVER, San Antonio TX, Texas
Liz7272G SILVER, San Antonio TX, Texas
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Live, Laugh, Love

Bullying is something that's effects everyone. Bullying has no positive outcome other than the fact that lies even personal situations escape from someones lips of you and your life is more than painful and embarrassing. For someone to hurt another is something that still puzzles us even parents. Kids and teens experience bullying and mainly for being different, gay, lesbian, an out cast, or just not being popular.
Many of this has crossed the line many times, have ruined lives, and have even shortened some. Teens don't tell anyone about their bullying experiences mainly cause of the more harassment's that will pop up after discussing it with an adult or parent.
I have been bullied before, mocks about my looks, height, and the lack of physical fitness. I never talked to anyone about them and on some days I would break down and cry in my room, friends told me to ignore it because of jealousy and stubbornness of the bullies. I just never had the strength to open my mouth and say "I'm being bullied, can you help me?"
So I understand of how it feels to be mocked on my differences with others but what I always ask myself and others is, "What's the purpose to bullies to hurt someone and laugh?" Is it for the pleasure of hatred on others and making it known in the most negative ways? Are they insecure of themselves and find comfort in making others feel horrible?
I can't even explain why it's still happening with all these stories and kids on the news being arrested for another kids death because they bullied him/her which led to them committing suicide or them bullying the kid physically.
Does it not click in other children's heads that they're mocks and harassment's will hurt others really badly?
Bullying comes in all shapes and sizes, it's not easy to ignore people who are being bullied even you as a victim to the games they play. Its best to talk to someone about being bullied and how to help others that are also being bullied.

The author's comments:
Bullying ruined my childhood, don't let it ruin yours.

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