The tip of the needle | Teen Ink

The tip of the needle

March 8, 2013
By bayley.cutshaw GOLD, Plymouth, Michigan
bayley.cutshaw GOLD, Plymouth, Michigan
13 articles 6 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
" Everybodys going to hurt you in life, you just have to find the people worth suffering for" -Bob Marley or "If you're going to be two faced atleast make one of them pretty" -Marilyn Monroe

The cries of a lost soul.
The past finally tagging the future.
Your it and you can’t do anything about it.
Can’t stop it, Can’t push it away.
Just find the missing piece.
Find yourself and smile.
Sew all your mistakes together.
Admit they happened.
Just accept I bring this out of you.
The thought makes my stomach burn.
I still feel alone by your side.
Aren’t we together now?
Why is this still happening?
Holding my tears away from your sight.
At the same time I hold your hand.
I’ll be okay.
I always am.

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