All these things | Teen Ink

All these things

January 3, 2014
By DestanyPanics SILVER, Denver, Colorado
DestanyPanics SILVER, Denver, Colorado
7 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life is just a game, everyone loses sooner or later."- Myself

I jump in front of cars just to feel the wind hit me.
I cut myself just to feel the gushing of the blood leaving my veins.
I pop ten too many prescriptions just to feel the clump of pills go down my throat.
I jump in the ocean, having no idea how to swim. Just to feel the suffocating water.
I stop a little sooner.
I push the blade a little harder.
I gulp a little more.
I sink a little longer.
All because I know it’s as close to death as I can get.
But I really know, nothings as good as dying.

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This article has 1 comment.

aaaaa said...
on Jan. 9 2014 at 11:30 am
I read your  article. I realized importance of our lives by reading this article. I felt irony. This article indicates the people who was bullies by somebody and wanted to die. However,if you read this you will feel that you do not want to die. By knowing this types of person's, I noticed bullying is bad thing. I really inspired, I want to tell everyobody how bullying is bad thing. Therefore do not bully, or if you bullied you should consult to somebody. Do not criticize your self.