Bullying and its harmful effects | Teen Ink

Bullying and its harmful effects

January 3, 2014
By Marie_Martinez SILVER, Houston, Texas
Marie_Martinez SILVER, Houston, Texas
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Growing up I was bullied in and out of school but eventually the older I got the more people would want to bully me.So eventually instead of reacting in a harmful way I started to ignore them and sometimes even scare them.But in the end what helped overcome bullying was my personality along with the help of a couple of friends they would walk me to my classes and they even alternated the day among them to walk me home.I'm still attending school with some of those people but now they prefer to be kind or not to say anything at all.

The author's comments:
From first to third grade bullying was the center of my life.But eventually the growing anger and hate towards others ended up affecting my personality in a good way.

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