Do Something | Teen Ink

Do Something

October 14, 2016
By S8L0C8 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
S8L0C8 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

People get treated how they don't want to be treated everyday, it's not their fault that at the end of the day they start blaming themselves for not stopping what people say could be stopped. Bullying has become a problem that we think could be stopped. There's even school that are supposedly “Bully Free” but it's not guaranteed. Victims of bullying are left clueless of what there's left to do. This epidemic cannot be stopped. As much as we love seeing people happy and spending their life so great with an actual faith to live.


Yes, I've been through bullying and I could say that after you get told something that you don't like, you feel like you have to do something about it but there's no answer on what to do. I could just go up to the teacher and explain what's bothering me but I wish it was that simple. If you simply went up to a teacher and told them your problem, then the group next to you will start making fun of you for being weak, but then again it's not your fault. There's no stop to this.


Bullying is not just getting our feelings hurt but it's also getting hurt physically. No one enjoys being punched in the face with a combo of being hit in the gut. After that then it's gotten to the point that you really have to do something, this can't be going on forever for just you, therefore, you need to do something. Kids, young kids have a suicide rate of 4,000 suicides per year.


Kids want a better life than with the presence of bullying. Kids are expected to have a livid childhood not a sinister one with scarred hearts. They're expected to be the ones that brighten our day, not us seeing them in bed crying with blood marks on their white shirt and face. We should know that kids want a better life than that. They shouldn't worry about going to school, instead they should be excited to go outside and ready to go to school without a single worry in their mind.


In conclusion, if you experience bullying in your everyday life, do something about it or else you'll be the one with the consequences instead of the problem themselves. If you see something that you think you could actually change, feel proud that you've helped out someone and if you could talk to them, even better, make friends, good friends.

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This article has 1 comment.

Spambi SILVER said...
on Oct. 18 2016 at 12:45 pm
Spambi SILVER, Alsea, Oregon
5 articles 0 photos 20 comments

Favorite Quote:
Never change for someone else, change for yourself.

Well this is a very well made article I perfectly agree with you.But It needs more detail ya know?It is great but not complete great start though..