Endangered Orangutans | Teen Ink

Endangered Orangutans

April 30, 2019
By Anonymous

What will you do to help baby Uru?

Baby Uru’s story 

I fearfully, desperately clung to my mother as I watched the raging red fire spread through my home in the jungle. I lost my mother in the fire and since then I haven’t seen her passing by. I now live with the humans just outside of the jungle. It is slowly growing back to the old, tropical colourful home I lived in.

Baby Uru sadly lost his mother in the devastating 2015 fires. In order to try re-grow his home 60,000 saplings were planted by the Orangutans foundation who also protect over 1 million acres of Orangutans habitat in Tanjung putting National park and the Lamandou wildlife reserve with manned guard posts and forest patrols.

Orangutans are found only in rain forests of the south East Asian islands of Borneo and Sumatra. They spend nearly their entire lives in trees swinging in tree tops and building nests for sleep. From this you must see that it is absolutely crucial that the rain forests don’t burn down because they are the homes of Orangutans. I bet you wouldn’t like your house being burnt down?

Supporting organisations like WWF that can make a significant impact is a great way of being a part of a bigger solution. By supporting groups like the WWF can help restore and manage rain forests to help endangered animals like Orangutans.

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