Pollution | Teen Ink


December 3, 2020
By Anonymous

Pollution is one of the biggest problems in our society. Between air pollution and littering, this world is slowly falling apart. Every day, pollution is admitted to the air and land. Animals are being harmed by the trash in the oceans and sometimes it kills them. Our air quality is slowly getting worse because of factory production and wildfires. Due to wildfires, so many trees are being killed and that is our main source of air. There has to be some way to stop all of this. We could cut down on factory production and stop littering. It takes two seconds to throw away trash in the trash can. Even better, recycling can really help instead of wasting products that can be reused. Anyone could go to a beach or the woods and pick up trash. Anything could really help. Now for wildfires, we need to keep bonfires under control and be more careful. Also, ciggerrets need to be disposed of the correct way to prevent this from happening. 

The author's comments:

I care a lot about the environment and we need to do something to make it better.

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