Geothermal Energy is the Key to Australia’s Future | Teen Ink

Geothermal Energy is the Key to Australia’s Future

December 20, 2007
By Anonymous

I truly believe that geothermal energy is the key to Australia’s Future as it is renewable, it doesn’t damage the ozone layer and there is plentiful supply for Australians.
Non-renewable sources make up the majority of the worlds energy sources. These include oil, coal and natural gas. Many leading scientists, as well as myself, acknowledge that these supplies will have depleted by the year 2050. As geothermal energy is produced by capturing the heat energy of underground rocks, naturally heated by the earth’s core, it can not be depleted.
As geothermal energy does not involve the burning of fossil fuels, oil, coal and natural gas, it is better for the ozone layer and the whole environment in general. It will aid in the decrease of the impacts of global warming for example reduce coral bleaching of the Great Barrier Reef.
There is so much ‘hot rock’ available to us Aussies that Australia could be powered entirely by geothermal energy. This would stop the logging of natural forest growth for underground coal, oil or gas deposits.


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