Overpopulation | Teen Ink


December 7, 2012
By Bailey Dickinson BRONZE, Johns Creek, Georgia
Bailey Dickinson BRONZE, Johns Creek, Georgia
2 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Overpopulation is a growing problem in our world today. The number of humans on this Earth, now 7 billion, is growing exponentially and shows no interest in slowing down. So what? Some argue that the Earth is large enough to support this many or even more but how can we know for sure? We won’t realize that the Earth has reached its carrying capacity until it’s too late and many starve. Our population momentum will carry us over the natural carrying capacity and even past the line of carrying capacity that was expanded by technology. At some point, Earth will suffer and our population graph will crash down. There needs to be a change. Whether inhumane or not, China has made great improvements in its population problem through the enforcement of the “one child law.” Maybe we all need to adhere to this law to save ourselves. Maybe we need to take Paul Ehrlich’s Population Bomb a little more seriously to prevent the death of mankind.

The author's comments:
I'm in AP Environmental Science and this topic of Overpopulation really interests me. It's a growing po=roblem and many people don't even realize.

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