The Beauty and Glory of Nature | Teen Ink

The Beauty and Glory of Nature

November 7, 2013
By Anonymous

The Beauty and Glory of Nature!

Nature, something we lost interest in as our generation grew and developed new ideas and technology. We forget that nature is what is keeping us alive and running everyday. Receiving our oxygen from trees and energy and food from plants and animals. We need our natural resoucres daily to keep us living sometimes we tend to forget that. Nature effects us mentally, physically, emotional.

Air pollution introduces us to our atmosphere of chemicals and biological materials that cause disease or death to humans. Air pollution occurs when fumes, gases, dust particles, or odor introduced to the atmosphere. Mainly gases, as we use cars everyday to get to where we need to go the gases from our cars effects the air we breathe in. The dirty air can cause asthma, lung cancer, chest pain, and carbon monoxide poisining. According to Medical News Today cigarette somke produces ten times more air pollution than diesel car exhaust. Prevention is that our government may need to invest in wind energy, solor energy, to minimize our burning of fossil fuels which cause heavy air pollution. All these effects of air pollution causes damage to the cardiovascular system, respiratory system, and enternal organ damage. Higher percentage chance of death.

Soil pollution is caused by the presence of chemicals interfering with natural soil environment. Mining, oil and fuel dumping, leaching from landfills and drainage of contaminated surface water into the soil. As our soil is polluted our plants can not develop properly. Without plants and trees how will we get our oxygen to breathe? Plants help purify the air, recycle the carbon dioxide we give off and turn it into oxygen. Photosynthesis invloves the process of plants to make food obsorbing energy from the sunlight using it to produce glucose and sugar. To prevent soil pollution reduce toxic waste, increase recycle waste, deforestation we may not think about this but as we trying to make our yard look nice we forget that the pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers we use our kiiling our plants. Without plants how will we breathe, the correct amount of nutrients and sugar we need to survive?

Water pollution is the contamination of rivers, oceans, and lakes. It effects the organisms living in these bodies of water. The causes of water pollution are oil pollution, global warming, and marine dumping. Water pollution affects marine ecosystems and wildlife health, as our animals are dying from the nasty water we loose our food from the sea animals. We need our animals to live.

As these everyday happenings occur we don’t see how we are destroying nature and ruining God’s creation. He put everything on this earth for a specific reason for us humans, plants and animals to benefit from. He created nature and everything in it because he knew we would need each and everything to grow ans survive from. Clean air for health, plants for oxygen, animals for food. Just like how murder is a sin as the Bible say “Thou shall not kill” we basically killing the things he created. How are we repaying him? We should learn from natures best Ralph Waldo Emerson. He sees us humans to be able to appreciate nature and be able to analyze and connect to it. This past Sunday I took my time out of NFL Sunday to go outside in my driveway to just sit and look at the trees and look how beautiful nature was with the nice weather, I had my thoughts together and I just relaxed there for 20 minutes or so. Emerson believes “The happiest man is he who learns from nature the lesson of worship” As I saw this quote I realized that I need to maybe become more involved in nature and see how I react to this. I want to get something positive out of learning from the greatest transcendentalist.

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