Solution to Air Pollution | Teen Ink

Solution to Air Pollution

December 5, 2013
By Anonymous

Studies have showed that over 500,000 Americans die every year, that are linked to air pollution. That’s about 0.15% of the total population of America. One way to reduce air pollution so we can save lives, is by driving Hybrid cars. Hybrid cars are a great way to help reduce air pollution, because it reduces the amount of pollution cars make.

Hybrid cars can reduce up to 90% less air pollution than regular cars. They save up to 3 times more gas than regular cars, so you can save money while help saving the world. An average car can make up to 7.5 tons of pollution per year. By using Hybrid cars we can reduce the amount of pollution cars make to only 0.83 tons of pollution per year. If everyone drove Hybrid cars, we could save many lives from air pollution.

Its true that Hybrids are really expensive, but the amount of money you save, can easily be gain back because of the high fuel efficiency. Also the government gives out tax rebates, if you buy a Hybrid car.

The solution to reduce air pollution is to buy Hybrid cars instead of regular cars, because they can reduce air pollution greatly. When you are old enough to drive a car try to get a Hybrid car, so you can save the environment and save lives.

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