Still Wondering About the Sea? | Teen Ink

Still Wondering About the Sea?

March 16, 2014
By zubss BRONZE, Port Louis Town, Other
zubss BRONZE, Port Louis Town, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Water is a major component of our globe.In fact,70% of the earth's surface is covered with water.Out of the 70%,around 3% is of fresh water while 97% is made up of sea water.Sea water is a mixture of water,iodine and other compounds such as sodium chloride,which accounts for the salinity of sea water.The sea is indubitably the largest aquarium in this world due to its multitude of different species of aquatic plants and animals.

The sea is a phenomenal creation and it forms part of the earth's natural resources.Many people believe that water is the most powerful creature on earth due to the vastness of the sea.They also claim that one day,the sea will invade every land on earth.In spite of these fears,a large number of people adore the sea as it is very beautiful,specially when it glitters under the scorching sun.Unfortunately,sea pollution is at an increasing rate nowadays .Oil is spilled into the sea by ships while waste water containing detergents,dyes,pesticides and other harmful chemicals,is dumped into the sea without proper treatment.

The sea is a good generator of financial income as,being a large aquarium,it provides fishermen with fishes which they sell to earn their livings.Factories which produce different types of fuels obtain crude oil from the sea,as raw material.The seafood hub is becoming increasingly popular today.It involves the breeding of many aquatic plants and animals.The seafood hub is hence very efficient as it prevents the extinction of many endangered species of these plants and animals.In addition,the sea is a good source of employment as numerous job seekers are employed in hotels near the sea,in cruises,in the seafood hub sector and at the National Coast Guard. The sea is a marvelous attraction,specially to tourists.Being tempted by the sea,these tourists travel from their countries and doing so,they bring foreign currencies to our countries.Hence the tourism sector becomes very lucrative due to the sea as the main instigator.The sea is a source of leisure as many activities are executed in the lagoons.Parasailing,sea surfing and underwater diving are examples of enjoyments offered at the sea and from which,skippers get funds to expand their businesses.The picturesque view of the sunset is another phenomenon for which many people are filled with wonder.

The sea is also regarded as a ground for a plethora of sports activities ranging from swimming to sailing.Many people prefer sea sports as their hobbies or their favorite sports activities.Swimming at sea is a very healthy sport while sailing at sea proves to be very adventurous as it may involve encounters with sea turtles or dolphins which are so entertaining.Sports activities such as swimming and marathon are also held at sea level.

The sea may be considered as a wonderful miracle from God.We should use it in a proper way and we should also mull over the harmful effects that may occur when we dump wastes into the sea since,as stated earlier,the sea may vent out its wrath anytime by invading the earth entirely!

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