Animal Abusers | Teen Ink

Animal Abusers

November 21, 2014
By Anonymous

Dear Animal Abusers,

Animal cruelty has been in the world for a very long, sadly. I have seen animals being neglected, physically and verbally abused it is extremely scaring. Most people don’t think that verbal abuse can affect animals. Well it does they hear the tone in your voice and they instantly know how you feel. Dogs for example repeatedly respond to the tone of your voice not always just the words you are saying. So when you yell at them they become sad because they think they have done something wrong. When most of the time what you are yelling about has nothing to do with them, but you choose to take it out on them because they are an easy target. Let me tell you there are so many different ways to express your anger or frustration. Yelling or hitting your animal is not one of them. In life we usually have people who stand up for us, but who is supposed to stand up for those innocent animals when you tear them down?  I truly believe for dogs their main goal in life is to please their owner. If you constantly beat on them where will their happiness come from?  What will be their goal if you never reward or show love towards them? Then there’s neglect. It makes me sick to think that people can just stop feeding or giving their animal the care it needs to survive; even doing the minimum is heartbreaking. Usually in life we don’t stop feeding or caring for each other if we are mad, so why does that apply to animals. Well it shouldn’t. You as the owner are supposed to provide for them and if you can’t do that because of money then you need to ask for help or give them to someone that can. Money and anger are no excuse to neglect or abuse your animal. You were given two jobs when you got them: to care and to love them.

-Alexandra M.

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