Environmental Issues | Teen Ink

Environmental Issues

April 25, 2015
By AlexWin BRONZE, Belleville, Michigan
AlexWin BRONZE, Belleville, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The environment is something that will always be on Earth. We should do what we can to protect it and save it for further generations. Global warming and other environmental issues are a serious deal. Burning fossil fuels harms the environment and increases global warming. We have been making new inventions to help prevent this however. For example, a hybrid car, they run on electricity so they don’t burn fossil fuels.
Global warming can make sea levels rise by 20-60 centimeters. That means areas with low elevation could sink into the ocean. Polar bears and emperor penguins will have nowhere to go and could wipe out that species. This is why conserving resources is important.
Recycling is also important. It helps reuse our resources instead of just throwing them in landfills and having garbage take over our land. Also, dumping is a serious problem. If people dump harmful chemicals into the ocean or on land, it can harm organisms in the water or ground. We can all help with saving our environment.

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