Our Planet Can't Breathe! | Teen Ink

Our Planet Can't Breathe!

December 1, 2015
By Anonymous

Air pollution is a problem that has been a very important topic in more recent years. The amount of gas pollution in the air is very unhealthy for our planet. A lot of air pollution comes from cars and other carbon dioxide emitting object/animals. I support and believe in the concept of carpooling to cut down on air pollution. Air pollution is leading and aiding in global warming, there are many causes of air pollution, such as acid rain, emissions from many different factories, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, the burning of fossil fuels, the Ozone, particle matter(ash, smoke, dust, etc.), and many others. There are many ways to cut down on air pollution, carpooling, even buying different home and outdoor appliances, are good examples. Air pollution can be prevented and hopefully in the nearby future we figure out how to completely and truly eliminate all air pollution on the earth.

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