Wolves | Teen Ink


December 16, 2015
By EvaRogers BRONZE, Akeley, Minnesota
EvaRogers BRONZE, Akeley, Minnesota
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Like, from myself?
Uh... (to my brother, who said he should've been raised in a bathtub:)
"Nathan, if you lived in the bathtub, what would we feed you? Would we feed you fish food, and you'd swim up to the top and suck it in like a fish?"

I don't think people realize the importance of wolves. They always say that they're pests, and a danger to livestock. Well, yes, they are a danger to livestock. But if you want to keep your cows safe, please, put them up in a barn at night. Just DON'T SHOOT THE WOLVES!

They're an important part to our ecosystem. Who helps with deer, rabbit, and other "pesky aninmal" population? Yeah, wolves. My friend, he has so me cows. His family used to have some problems with wolves killing their livestock. Then, they started putting the cows in at night. And guess what?

No more cows were killed!

So, no matter how dangerous you think they are, or how scared of them you are, remember this: they're more scared of you then you are of them.

So, you see a wolf in your yard? Step out onto your porch and scream at them to go away. They'll go running for the hills.

Please. We need wolves to keep our deer/prey animal population down. We don't want to be like England, who wiped out their whole grey wolf population.

For the sake of the wolves, please! They're already endangered. We're saving the whales, pandas, and seals. So why not save the wolves, too?

The author's comments:

What inspired me to write this was my girlfriend's love for wolves. Well, I love wolves, too, but seeing how much she loved the, made me want to help them even more. They're beautiful, majestic animals, and they deserved to bve saved as much as all the other endagered animals.

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