Open Your Eyes | Teen Ink

Open Your Eyes

February 21, 2016
By cathzheng14 BRONZE, Rochester Hills, Michigan
cathzheng14 BRONZE, Rochester Hills, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As William Shakespeare once said,“One touch of nature makes the whole world kin”. Through today’s bustling world of fast growing technology forming all around us, it is hard to stop and take a moment to enjoy what nature has to offer. Through a recent world literature project, I was able to leave society behind and let the harmonious nature sink in to me. I stood in the middle of a snowy, quiet field far away from any distractions. Around me were mile high trees enclosing the field like a wall to separate civilization from the field. When my eyes gazed up towards the sky, the bright, shining sun shined straight in to my wretched soul. The deep blue sky surrounded the sun wondrously like a pile of rocks surrounding a dazzling diamond. The small chirps of birds filled the background noise while cars could be heard faintly in the distance. The crisp, cold wind softly brushed against my body to keep me alive with the setting. Before, I considered peacefulness as when the house was empty or when a school project goes smoothly. Now, I realized; this was real peacefulness that I was feeling and I cherished every second of it. Throughout my 16 years on earth,  I have taken the natural outdoors for granted and did not discover its true value until this moment. At first, I analyzed every piece of nature through a manmade point of view, but now that peacefulness has overcome by critical feelings, the entire setting feels so much more welcoming and comfortable. The pace of the growing society and its advancements will only become faster and faster until it is too late to stop everything and enjoy what the Earth has to offer. It is already awful that much of what once was lush land with green trees and exquisite flowers are already gone, and humans today must recognize that real peacefulness is in nature and not society before it is too late.

The author's comments:

After writing this article, I feel like my perpective on the world has changed. Our environment wasn't created for us to destroy, it is something we must cherish for the rest of our lives. 

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