Is Fracking Worth The Price? | Teen Ink

Is Fracking Worth The Price?

March 9, 2016
By mns21 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
mns21 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Fracking is an issues that has many opinions. Some people believe that fracking is a great way to produce more oil fast. Others think that it’s economically unsafe. The truth of the matter is that, fracking is expensive, dangerous, and unhealthy. Maybe fracking isn’t the best way to produce oil.

Fracking is another way of saying “hydraulic fracturing”. This is completed by inserting chemical liquid into the cracks of the Earth. Fracking is expensive because, fracking requires huge amounts of water. In order to complete one fracking job, workers require almost one to eight million gallons of water. With most of the United States experiencing drought this might become an issue. Including water usage fracking may also be a culprit of water pollution. The article “Fracking” from the site Green Garage states, when the fracking process is in motion some of the harsh chemicals can reach the surface and contaminate the Earth.

Another reason why fracking is dangerous is because, fracking may be the reason for many Earthquakes in the U.S. Fracking requires more water than regular oil drilling. Some people think that fracking is going to help energy prices. But will it really help energy prices, if it cost more to start fracking then to drill for oil normally? According to OSHA 823 workers were killed on the job from 2003 to 2010. Lots of people have began questioning the safety hazards of  working with fracking. Workers have to drill almost 6,000 feet below ground to complete the fracking process. Is it really necessary?

Fracking is also unhealthy because many people who live around a work site have many health hazards. As stated before, 10 to 40 percent of the harsh dangerous chemicals in fracking rise to the surface and pollute the Earth. Fracking has an effect on both the climate and the air pollution. Fracking work sites take up eight to nine acres of land. Is fracking really worth the economical price?

Fracking is expensive, dangerous, and unhealthy. It causes many health hazards and pollutes lots of the Earth. Many people think it’s an efficient way to produce oil, but it isn’t worth the economical price. If the Earth gets polluted each time  the fracking process is completed, why do people continue to do it? If the Earth is  polluted each time, stop now before it’s too late!

The author's comments:

Fracking is an important issue that needs to be evaluated.

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