Satire On Human Wastefulness | Teen Ink

Satire On Human Wastefulness

May 7, 2016
By Matteo.P BRONZE, Buenos Aires, Other
Matteo.P BRONZE, Buenos Aires, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In my weekend long research on Wikipedia I have discovered the problem with society. Out of 30.5 million tons of garbage we recycle 17% of it. I mean … why? Why can humanity just realise that a polluted future is our fate? And why can't humanity just embrace that fate and work toward it? My dream is exactly this, to accept our fate and instead of living in this illusion of a clean world full of mediocre attempts to fight our fate just accept it just embrace it, and look at the positive side of such a fate. Think of all the animals that get caught and killed by eating the trash and choking on it or getting caught in it and all the money that the government spends to keep such animals safe and saving them. Well, in a polluted world, this problem wouldn't exist since there wouldn't be any need to save the animals if there are no animals to save, completely solving this problem. This should also save billions of dollars that could be used for better purposes such as building a bigger and better wall to stop all those pesky immigrants #TrumpWillMakeAmericaGreatAgain.

Another problem nowadays seems to be all parents’ concern of their kids spending too much time on front of technology instead of going outside. This problem can only grow if people do something about it due to all the new technologies that are going to be released in the near future. Well, if my plan goes well, that problem wouldn't exist any more. In not too long humans will have burned up all fossil fuels therefore making power really scarce. On top of that recycling saves 70% of the power necessary to make a new product and this can only speed up this process.This would make either electricity too expensive for the general public, or for it to run out completely. After all of this is done there would only be a few other sources of power that could stop the future generations from going outside and playing in the garbage dumps that would cover most of our world. The sun and solar power would at this point be the last possible source of power. Well, this is the easiest problem of all to get rid of, as we run out of all other sources of power not even the sun could power all those devil-sent, violence-causing, brain-scrambling machines, since the sun will be totally blocked out by the child-saving smog. All of this would give our kids the only option to, like in the past , go outside and once again play with friends (or at least what's left of them) in the safety of the garbage dumps, which would be even better than a park since there would be nothing to hurt them like those evil trees to bump into or cement to trip and hurt yourself on, because of trashes like paper softness that would soften their fall, like  well … unless it's a glass dump because that could be bad … unless the kids are feeling “wild” and “dangerous” in which case it could be a thrilling experience for them.

Do you think the positives are over? No, no, no. Our agriculture could also be saved. Humans throw away 40% of their food. But why not throw away more? If we do so it help all the problems previously talked about but it will also cause a growth in agriculture and offer new jobs and new jobs are good!

It's about time we stop believing in that “with 10 cents a month you can feed a family in Zimbabwe for a week,” because just like we have to accept our fate, they have to accept theirs and just let go. After all this has been said, I hope the eyes of the human race have been opened, and I have shown that the phrase, “we recycle because we care” is total nonsense and from now on it shall be: “we pollute because ... it's just ... better.”

The author's comments:

I wrote this Satire on humans and our wastefull behaviour during my english class, with the hope to stop this habit our ours that will soon turn into a problem.

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