Animals' Bill of Rights | Teen Ink

Animals' Bill of Rights

October 25, 2016
By Anonymous

There are approximately 56 billion farm animals that are killed every year. This only includes farm animals and not all animals in general. With numbers like this skyrocketing, there would only be a matter of time until our “food” becomes endangered.

Why should animals have their own Bill of Rights? This would benefit all animals that are endangered or live day to day in risk of being abused or killed by humans. This is a common fear among many animals that are caged, locked up or restricted of any freedom and interaction with other animals. We as animal lovers need to start protecting all animals of all kind. In order to protect these animals we need put laws or rules in place. This would help out all the animals that don’t have their own voice to say something. To be able to put a barrier is when we start to see a drastic change in animal abuse.

It turns out that animals are just like us humans. They crave affection, love one another, they even have their own language when they speak to their own. To be able to have this many similarities and share common traits with so many animals should be a reason to want to protect them. We shouldn't want to hurt them the way that we are hurting them now. These animals are more intelligent and not as dumb as you make them out to be. In the article, “Apes May Be More Like Us Then You Thought”, by Alva Noe, she talks about how much apes are like toddlers. She explains that they had run a similar test with toddlers and apes and found many similarities. She chose to put this as a prime example. This test was put to show that since we love and care for toddlers, we should be able to have the same mindset when it comes to apes. They are as  sensitive as infants are and to not care or want to hurt an infant should be seen as morally wrong, so why isn’t abusing an animal with the same abilities not?

There goes countless days where there are so many animals that get abused by humans. But which are the ones that don’t get as abused as others? In the article, “Why Do We Love Some Animals But Not Others”, by Alva Noe explains how people mistreat and eat other animals such as farm animals, but when it comes to house pets like dogs and cats, it’s unfair. She then goes on to further explain that all animals should be treated fairly. This is a reasonable explanation as to why we need Bill of Rights for animals because they have an important place in our lives and on this earth. They are not harmful to us and can do many of the same skills as us. Noe then explains in her article about an ape that has a painting that has people waiting in line to buy the apes painting.

Another reason why this should take place is so it can protect them from blood sports. Some examples of this is pitbull fighting or cockfighting. These animals are being forced to fight to kill the other animal. In an article, “Kittens used as bait for Dog Fighting Rescued in Northern California”, by Laura Anthony, talks about the abuse of two kittens that had been put in so a dog could prepare itself to fight another dog. The kittens were used as bait but fortunately were rescued and dropped off at a pet store. This is a prime example of why all animals, and in this case why pets need to have Bill of Rights to force protection over them.

What we can do to help these animals in need that are being abused constantly is to create this barrier and help out in any way possible. If you are a person or teen who takes little consideration in animals, you should consider what horrific stuff animals go through. Even if they don’t show emotion, they feel it. You can help and start to change animals rights. If you see animal abuse or know of any animal abuse going on near you, don’t be silent.


Be the voice for the animals that have no say in whether or not they want to be abused or not.

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