Friendly Reminder | Teen Ink

Friendly Reminder

February 9, 2018
By REFINNEJ BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
REFINNEJ BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In "Nights like these," Maeve B. reminds us about pollution, I found Maeve's article moving. Pollution has become far more significant to the environment in today's society and for what; for items we want and desire and not what we need. This article reminded me of how it was to be outside playing in a pure playhouse where anything could be useful to start a game; where there was little to no trash laying around. Today when I walk my dog for every ten steps we take there is some plastic resting. What an envirnoment we live in? As we get new abjects that help for other purposes we, the society, are less concern of our surroundings. Plants, trees, these we NEED in order to have nights that mean the most to one. Thank you, Maeve for sending a reminder of the nights that were enjoyable and are no longer.


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