Breakfast is not the most important meal of the day. | Teen Ink

Breakfast is not the most important meal of the day.

May 30, 2024
By Anonymous

Although many think that breakfast is a very crucial part of how you start your day, I would say that it wouldn’t hurt you at all if you skipped it. Many have heard the line that “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!” However, this is just a slogan created to sell more breakfast products that you wouldn’t need in the morning. The reason I think breakfast isn’t very important is because I don’t ever have it in the morning as my routine is to get up, brush my teeth, change clothes, and then go to school. Not eating breakfast has never really affected how I’ve functioned throughout the day. 

Skipping breakfast is not detrimental to one’s health. According to Cheyenne Buckingham, in an article written for GoodRx Health, “Both experts and existing research indicate that eating breakfast can have positive effects on both your mind and body, no matter what age you are. But, if you don’t have an appetite in the morning, forcing yourself to eat breakfast likely isn’t the best solution. At the end of the day, no meal is superior to the other. Focus on including nutritious foods in your diet. Whether you start consuming them at the beginning of the day or in the middle of the day depends on what works best for you.” This explains how no meal is more important than the other, and that skipping breakfast may be better for you if you have no desire to eat in the morning.

Another reason that breakfast is not the most important meal of the day, is because many others prefer to fast until lunch and the majority of working class people, require a good dinner to replenish their nutrition after a long day. Dinner and lunch are both more important than breakfast because having a large dinner will let you have energy in the morning, which works with lunch in replenishing it later on. Choosing to skip breakfast will benefit you for many different reasons, such as reduced markers of inflammation, oxidative stress, and lower blood pressure. 

For everyone out there who might be thinking about skipping breakfast, make sure to eat quite a bit at dinner the night before so you can fast in the morning until lunch. Or if you can’t do that, eat something light to jumpstart your day as no other meal is more important than the other.

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