An Open Letter to Schools: Combating the Vape Epidemic Among the Youth | Teen Ink

An Open Letter to Schools: Combating the Vape Epidemic Among the Youth

June 3, 2024
By Anonymous

March 1, 2024 

An Open Letter to Schools: Combating the Vape Epidemic Among the Youth 

Dear School Administrators, 

As a concerned student who attends school every day with asthma, I am constantly worried about walking into restrooms and having to hold my breath to avoid inhaling the nicotine from other teens vaping. I am writing this letter to propose new policies not only to help keep our environment clean but also to promote a non-vaping culture among our generation to stop the spread of this addiction and improve overall health. Whether in school or outside, vaping has become a prevalent problem, impacting and influencing many teenagers.

The rise of vaping among youth has reached alarming levels, with studies showing that e-cigarette use has increased by 78% among high school students totaling to around 3 million, making it an epidemic that requires immediate attention and intervention. This rapid increase can be attributed to several factors, such as easy access to vape products, targeted marketing toward youth, and the misconception that vaping is a harmless alternative to traditional smoking.

I believe that schools should play a more crucial role in protecting the well-being of students and preventing vaping. To achieve this, school administrators must implement stricter policies and consequences for students caught vaping on school grounds. Additionally, schools should provide educational resources and awareness campaigns about the potential health risks associated with vaping, such as respiratory problems, nicotine addiction, and potential links to lung diseases.

Another important fact to highlight is how easily young people can get their hands on vapes. The legal age for vaping in the United States is 21 years old, but seeing so many students vaping only means that getting your hands on one is simple. Nowadays many vape stores or gas stations don’t even check IDs due to negligence or the companies wanting to make more money. One such example is from the youtuber Tyler Oliveira who investigated the vaping epidemic and went into many vape stores and managed to acquire vapes without giving and id. I think the way vapes are made and the careless distribution has had a large effect on how students and young people acquire it and although it doesn’t have to do with the school environment all too much, it's important to note how they are getting it.

The issue of peer pressure and the culture surrounding vaping is something that can’t be ignored. Schools must address the underlying social factors that contribute to the popularity of vaping among youth. This can be achieved by promoting inclusive school environments where students feel supported and encouraged to make healthy choices, rather than succumbing to peer pressure.

Lastly, schools should take a proactive stance on educating students about the dangers of vaping and the fact that it is not a safe alternative to smoking. Research has shown that vaping can be even more harmful than traditional smoking due to the presence of toxic chemicals, ultrafine particles, and flavorings that can cause severe lung damage and other health issues.

In conclusion, the vaping epidemic among our youth requires immediate action from schools to protect the health and well-being of students. By implementing stricter policies, providing education on the risks of vaping, engaging the community, addressing the culture surrounding vaping, and promoting healthier choices, we can work together to create a safer and more supportive environment for our youth. The future of our students depends on the actions we take today.


 a fellow student


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